Master of Science in 


MSc Degree Requirements

Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0.

This program consists of required courses, elective courses, and a thesis for a minimum of 30 units.

Students must complete 12 units of graduate courses, including:

  • MBB 801-3 Student Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
  • MBB 803-1 Department Seminar Series – must be taken twice
    • This course must be taken at the first opportunity in the graduate program for two consecutive offerings (Spring and Fall, or Fall and Spring).
    • Only students who started in the Spring 2022 term or later may take this course for credit.

and one unit of MBB colloquia by completing one of:

and another six units selected from other graduate courses, chosen in consultation with the supervisory committee and which can include appropriate courses from MBB and/or other departments.

A major part of the program is original research. A thesis describing the research is submitted and defended in accordance with SFU Graduate General Regulations.

Students who are working on their Master of Science thesis must enroll in the following course every term:

  • MBB 898 - MSc Thesis (18)

Students should hold at least one Teaching Assistantship during their graduate program.

Thesis Defence

Thesis preparation, defence and submission is a very involved process with firm deadlines. Make sure to review the Graduate Thesis Timelines (PDF) and contact the Graduate Program Assistant for guidelines in preparing, defending and submitting your thesis.

Anticipated Completion Time

The anticipated completion time of all program requirements for students enrolled in the MBB MSc program is 6 terms from initial enrollment. The time limit for completion of MSc requirements is 9 terms from the start of the program. The time limit for program completion is not intended to be the normal time for completion. This limit takes into account a wide variety of extraordinary circumstances and events that may delay completion. See Graduate General Regulations 1.12 Time Limit for Program Completion.

See: MBB Policy (PDF) for Time Limit for MBB Graduate Program Completion