Coding, the analytic task of assigning codes to non-numeric data, is foundational to the many fields that rely on language data. This talk offers a framework of analytic tasks in coding to insure both systematicity and validity. Tasks discussed will include code restructuring, segmentation in advance of coding, use of a full coding scheme, and retrieval of full context by code. This talk will help researchers choose tools and design workflow to support coding language data.
Cheryl Geisler (PhD, Carnegie Mellon University) is Professor of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University where she will be teaching Proposal Writing in the summer of 2020. She has written six books and over sixty articles, chapters and proceedings. Her research concerns the nature of texts, especially those mediated by new technologies. A recognized expert on verbal data coding, she is the author of Analyzing Steams of Language (2004) and recently edited a special section of the Journal of Writing Research on Current and Emerging Methods in the Rhetorical Analysis of Texts. She has received awards for her work from Computers and Composition, the Rhetoric Society of America, and the National Communication Association, and she is a Fellow of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing. With Jason Swarts as co-author, she has just published Coding Streams of Language.
Streaming Link:
Coding Streams of Language (Book): https://wac.colostate.edu/books/practice/codingstreams/
Coding Streams of Language (YouTube Channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYi7qEAnSOvkMzCMogMkW5g/playlists
Scholarship: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=E-9Qi7wAAAAJ&hl=en
Presentation Slides: https://vault.sfu.ca/index.php/s/jStgE2YaW7Vhi8b
For more information visit: http://criticalmediartstudio.com/
Her new book Woman Made Visible is available at University of Nebraska Press https://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/university-of-nebraska-press/9781496202031/