No Standing, Only Dancing
Lian Loke, Senior Lecturer, Interaction Design Researcher, University of Sydney
Feb 1 2017, 12:30 - 14:20 pm, SFU Surrey Room 5380
About the talk:
Moving is critical to health and well-being. Recent findings in health science point to the longterm negative impact of sedentary lifestyles on musculoskeletal functioning and cardiovascular diseases. Neuroscience is revealing links between moving and healthy brain function. The challenge is how to encourage people to adopt movement practices that will contribute to sustainable bodies and quality of life as they age. In this talk I will discuss how perspectives from dance, somatics and technology design can provide potential avenues towards addressing this issue. I will present some case studies drawing on my dance and performance practice and collaborative research with dancers and somatic practitioners, that may shed some light on creative and exploratory approaches to awakening curiosity in movement, defamiliarising everyday movement and the role of kinaesthetic awareness in revelation and learning. Concepts such as movement as research, the body as material, metamorphic experience, and kinaesthetic imagination are proffered as potential ways to transform mundane movements and exercise into pleasurable activities.
About Speaker:
Lian Loke is a senior lecturer and interaction design researcher in the Design Lab, University of Sydney. She is interested in the transdisciplinary nature of the body, the aesthetics of interaction and the impact of new technologies on how we formulate, enact and express our sense of embodied selves. Her research works with dance and somatic practices to explore choreographic possibilities and to inform the design and experience of body and movement-based interactive technologies, most recently with Bodyweather and Feldenkrais. |