"Virtual Reality Clinical Research under the hood
(or how to do VR research on a shoestring)"
Dr. Bernie Garrett, School of Nursing, UBC
April 6, 2016, 12:30 - 14:20, SFU Surrey Room 5380
About the talk:
[Link to video Note: Presentation starts at 16':30"]
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In this talk I will discuss a recent project exploring the use of virtual reality as an adjunctive therapy in chronic pain patients. We will explore the nature of in-vivo clinical health research and some of the challenges in undertaking such clinical work. This will include strategizing to develop a clinical research area from the ground up, acquiring funding (sources and strategies), gaining ethical approval and aspects of moving from the lab to clinical practice, budget planning, practical implementation and support issues in using information-technology interventions in the field.
This content should be of interest to any graduate student or junior faculty considering undertaking clinical research.
About Speaker:
About Presenter Dr. Bernie Garrett is an Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, School of Nursing. He has a range of teaching and clinical experience from medical and renal nursing practice in the United Kingdom where he was a renal Clinical Nurse Specialist for 15 years before becoming a nurse educator. He holds a PhD in information Science, specializing in education and artificial intelligence, and prior to his current appointment he was a Department Head at Oxford Brookes University School of Health and Social Care in the U.K. From 2009-2011 he served as Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies at the UBC School of Nursing. Over most of his career Dr. Garrett’s work has been focused upon professional education and educational technologies including simulation, and his current work highlights two main areas: 1) Nursing science, philosophy, and the use of deceptive and non-evidence based practices in contemporary healthcare. 2) The use of virtual and augmented reality in clinical and educational applications. His work is underpinned by a passion for the philosophy of science and evidence-based practice and he frequently writes on these subjects including his recent graduate textbook: Science and Modern Thought in Nursing Pragmatism & Praxis for Evidence-Based Practice He was the recipient of the 2007 at the University of British Columbia Spencer Award for Information Technology Innovation, for his work on developing a mobile PDA-based e-portfolio for students, and the CRNBC Award of Excellence in Nursing Education, was the Elizabeth Kenny-McCann Nursing Education Scholar at UBC between 2013-2014, and was the National CASN Pat Griffin Nursing Education Scholar for 2014-15. |