Nov 7 - Sylvain Moreno

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How to translate your science into reality: Difference Between Real & Dubious Scientific Claims 

abstract and DESCRIPTION

We will use the neurotechnologies to review the path of product development and different easy tools to use such as the technology readiness scale.

We will focus on several points: 

1. Users: we’ve found that it’s a useful way to understand what we may mean by “users”, "clients" and "stakeholders". 

2. Industrial or Product Design — knowing what is involved in translation can be as instructive to the design process as knowing manufacturing processes.

3. Rate of technological change: translation and innovation often seem to go hand-in-hand. For instance, in a field still in its nascent phase, such as neurotechnologies, this perspective can be a useful way of considering more paths for development. 

4. Analyzing the scientific claims: emerging neurotechnologies or e-health enables us to better understand what is valid or not, and how science can be used — or abused — when a new technology reaches the market.

Sylvain Moreno, PhD, Associate Professor

Director Digital Health Hub| School of Engineering & School of Interactive Arts and Technology
Associate Director| STAR Institute
Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology| Simon Fraser University

Head of Innovation Kids Brain Health Network (formerly NeuroDevNet) - Networks of Centre of Excellence
Innovation team AGE-WELL - Networks of Centre of Excellence
Associate Editor in Chief, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science

Digital Health Hub,
#4190, Galleria 4, 250 - 13450 102 Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3T0A3, CANADA
+1 778-782-9742| find us on social media @CanadaDHH