Sept 27 - (1) Tiffany Taylor & (2) Sexual Violence Support & Prevention

No online recording of this week's presentations are available due to confidentiality of the material. 


This week’s Research Colloquium welcomes Tiffany Taylor, Graduate Program Assistant at SIAT, and the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Office. It consists of two parts; please see the important note below for to learn about the restriction for faculty and staff in attending part 2.

Part 1: Navigating the Waters of Grad School


This presentation will cover administrative topics such as:

  • Members of the administration and their roles; 
  • Course work requirements; 
  • Completion timelines; 
  • How Tiffany assists students; 
  • Open Q&A (bring your questions)

All students at SIAT are encouraged to attend, as up to date information that is relevant to all students will be discussed. Faculty and Staff are also welcome to attend part 1.

For more information about Tiffany Taylor and the work she does at SIAT, please see:


Part 2: Sexual Violence Support & Prevention


Part 2 is presented by the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Office and is intended to inform/educate students on SFU’s Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy. It will address what is covered under the policy and what avenues of support exist if a student ever finds themselves in a position where this knowledge could be needed (be that as someone who has survived an experience, witnesses one, or is told of one by a survivor). Please note: this workshop is for students only, and faculty and staff will need to take their leave before part 2 begins.

Please visit the website for more details:



Tiffany Taylor

Graduate Program Assistant