Employment opportunities


Grant-funded positions with FHS-affiliated researchers or FHS partners will be posted as they become available.

Research Assistant (Summer Student) - CIHR Institute of Gender and Health (IGH)  |  Date posted: June 21, 2024

IGH is seeking a Research Assistant (Summer Student) to join our team full time from July 3rd to August 30th 2024, with a possibility of part time hours extending to Dec 31 2024. The Research Assistant will provide research and administrative support to the Scientific Director (Dr. Angela Kaida) and the IGH team. Given the exciting and broad scope of activities of the IGH, this position will work directly with IGH team members to deliver on the Institute’s mandate and priorities, as described in the Institute of Gender and Health’s new Research Priority Plan (2024-2029).

Read the full job description

Application Process

To apply for this position, please submit a cover letter and resume via email to:

Dr. Glenys Webster
Associate Director, CIHR Institute of Gender and Health

Email: IGH-ISFH@cihr-irsc.gc.ca

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.

Selected candidates will be invited to an interview, and may be requested to write a brief exam to demonstrate writing ability.


Knowledge Mobilization Specialist - Social Sciences and Humanities Consortium (SSH-C)  |  Date posted: May 6, 2024

We are seeking a Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) Specialist who will support the Consortium in identifying and implementing best practices for mobilizing research findings through a broad range of channels. The Specialist supports the development and implementation of Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) plans and activities for the SSH-C, develops and coordinates KMb skills training programs, and provides leadership for our annual KMb priorities.

The Specialist will create tools and assist SSH-C members, collaborators and partners with engaging scientific, industry, government, public health, and public audiences. This engagement will involve assessing knowledge mobilization needs related to our mandate and how our members, collaborators and partners wish to work with the SSH-C. The Specialist will then develop evidence-based outputs that advance public acceptability and accessibility of vaccines and immune-based innovations.

The Specialist is responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with SSH-C members, collaborators, and partners, along with research facilitators, research administrators, communicators, government, professional bodies, industry etc., with the aim of increasing public understanding of vaccines and immune-based innovations in Canada.

This is a 0.8 - 1.0 FTE contract role (negotiable). 

Application Process

Please send a cover letter and your curriculum vitae to sshc-info@sfu.ca. Please use the subject line: “Application for SSH-C Knowledge Mobilization Specialist.”

Review of applications will begin on May 20, 2024 until an appointment is made.

Read the full job description

The SSH-C has been funded to support Canada’s Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy, to strengthen Canada’s readiness for future pandemics or other health emergencies. The SSH Consortium, as a key component of the CIEBH, will bring together leading social scientists from across Canada and globally to better understand and support confidence in, and equitable access to, vaccines and other immune-based innovations.


Research Associate Lead - The iHeLTI Project |  Date posted: August 22, 2023

The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (NTC)-led and SFU Faculty of Health Sciences-partnered Indigenous Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative (I-HeLTI) project is seeking a Research Associate Lead to provide scientific leadership to the project on a full-time basis. This position will liaise between NTC (NTC team members, Elders, communities, service providers) and academic partners (extended academic team) to interpret and understand the research interests and priorities of the individuals and groups working within the I-HeLTI Project. The candidate will contribute expertise to strategic meetings with research leadership regarding all aspects of the study, including study design, implementation analysis and knowledge sharing and mobilization.

The candidate will be preferably Indigenous, hold a PhD relevant to public health with a preference given to expertise in Indigenous peoples’ health, have a good understanding of the research life cycle and Indigenous, qualitative, quantitative, and biological research methods, and have experience in research project management and Indigenous community-based research.

Apply by sending a cover letter, resume and three references to the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council at: apply@nuuchahnulth.org.