Research centres & laboratories

Research centres & laboratories

Research centres

Laboratories and Research Groups


  • Precision Exercise Research Lab (Koelwyn Lab)
     Graeme Koelwyn
    Lab tel: 604-806-8346
    Building address: Centre for Heart Lung Innovation - St. Paul’s Hospital
    Room 166, 1081 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC  V6Z 1Y6


  • Viral Pathogenesis and Immunity Lab (Brockman Lab)
    Director: Mark Brockman
    Personnel: Dr. Yurou Sang, Lab Manager
    Lab tel: 778-782-8889 (TASC2); 778-782-9387 (BLU)
    Building address:
     TASC2 (Technology and Applied Sciences Building 2), Rm 8130
    Level 11 (3rd floor) Lab, Rm 11750, Blusson Hall
    Level 9 (1st floor) Lab, Rm 9865, Blusson Hall

  • HIV/AIDS Molecular Epidemiology  Laboraratory (Brumme Lab)
    Director: Zabrina Brumme
    Personnel: Dr. Yurou Sang, Lab Manager
    Lab tel:  778-782-8889 (TASC2); 778-782-9387 (BLU)
    Building address: TASC2 (Technology and Applied Sciences Building 2), Rm 8130 
    Level 11 (3rd floor) Lab, Rm 11750, Blusson Hall
    Level 9 (1st floor) Lab, Rm 9865, Blusson Hall

  • Infectious Diseases Immunology Laboratory (Pantophlet Lab)
     Ralph Pantophlet
    Lab tel: 778-782-8743
    Building address: Level 11 (3rd floor) Lab, Rm 11750, Blusson Hall

  • Infectious Diseases Virology Laboratory (Niikura Lab)
    Director: Masahiro Niikura
    Lab tel: 778-782-8743
    Building address: Level 11 (3rd floor) Lab, Rm 11750, Blusson Hall

  • Maternal and Child Health Laboratory (Nepomnaschy Lab)
    Director: Pablo Nepomnaschy
    Personnel: Dr. Katrina Salvante, Co-Director, Lab Manager
    Building address: Level 9 (1st floor) Lab, Rm 9610, Blusson Hall

  • Teaching Lab
    Senior Lab Lecturer: Mark Lechner, University Lecturer
    Personnel: Lingling Zhang, Teaching Lab Technician
    Lab tel: 778-782-8747
    Building address: Teaching Lab, Level 1, Rm 9650, Blusson Hall

  • Flow Cytometry Laboratory
    The Flow Cytometry Laboratory at Simon Fraser University is located on the ground floor (9000 level) in Blusson Hall, Room 9610. The Flow Cytometry Lab is open to all researchers, including those from other academic institutions, industry, and hospitals, through an established user fee structure.

  • Centre for Infectious Disease Genomics and One Health 
    Lab Director: William Hsiao
    Personnel/Lab Manager: Pratima Shrivastava and Mike Trimble
    Lab tel:
    Lab Number/Building Address: Level 11 (3rd floor), Rm 11750, Blusson Hall
  • Global Health Equity Research Alliance
    Director: John O'Neil

    The Global Health Equity Research Alliance is an interdisciplinary research group associated with the Faculty of Health Sciences of Simon Fraser University, aiming to respond to global health challenges and contribute to public policies needed to promote health equity and improve health conditions and access to services.

Research Affiliates

  • The Canadian Drug Policy Coalition (CDPC) is a non-partisan, evidence-based policy advocacy organization that collaborates with more than 60 organizations and thousands of individuals across Canada to end the harms of drug prohibition. Active throughout Canada and internationally, CDPC has been affiliated with FHS since 2012, contributing knowledge to research challenge areas concerning mental health and substance use and policy and systems research.
    Director: DJ Larkin