Employment opportunities


Practitioner Faculty at the rank of Assisant Professor in Evaluation Research / Health Economics with a Specialization in Child Health |  Posted Sept 4, 2024

The Opportunity

The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) at Simon Fraser University (SFU) and the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute (BCCHR) invite applications for a full-time Practitioner Faculty appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in the area of evaluation research/health economics with a specialization in child health. This is a Term Practitioner Faculty Appointment, for a five-year term. Renewal may be possible subject to the provisions of the SFU Faculty Association/SFU Collective Agreement. The anticipated start date is Spring 2025 or later. The successful candidate will be employed by SFU and seconded part-time (50%) to BCCHR as a Staff Scientist.

The Successful Applicant

FHS and BCCHR seek an individual of outstanding promise who will contribute to the diversity and excellence of scholars at the respective institutions. The successful applicant will provide evaluation and health economics research services to the BCCHR research community as a Staff Scientist and be encouraged to develop their own independent child health research program. The position will be considered an independent investigator for external grant/funding purposes and eligible to hold funds at SFU. Knowledge mobilization to the scholarly community, professional groups, the public, and other stakeholders, as appropriate, is also expected. The teaching load is 2.5 courses per year, commensurate with the ‘50/50’ appointment agreement between SFU and BCCHR. All teaching commitments will be provided to FHS. Breadth in teaching experience and interests relevant to FHS will be considered favourably.

The candidate must hold a PhD or equivalent doctoral degree (or, as stated above, be a PhD candidate with solid indication of imminent completion) and have demonstrated excellence in research, potential for excellence in teaching and supervision, and commitment to collegial service. Skills and experience in health economic evaluation are essential. Applications from candidates with expertise in other aspects of evaluation research and/or health economics that complement current areas of child and family health research at FHS and BCCHR are encouraged to apply.

SFU and BCCHR value diversity, equity, and inclusion and are committed to reconciliation and hiring faculty who will work to advance these commitments. Further information is available here (SFU) and here (BCCHR).

Read the full job description now for additional information about remuneration, FHS, and BCCHR.

How to Apply

Applicants should submit a single PDF file containing:

  • a cover letter / letter of application (no more than two pages)
  • a full curriculum vitae
  • a research statement, including a brief statement of research plans for the next five years (no more than two pages)
  • a statement of teaching and mentorship experience and philosophy (no more than one page)
  • names and email addresses for three references (reference letters are not required at this stage)

The teaching statement submitted as part of the application package should detail teaching experience and interests, and identify undergraduate and/or graduate courses of teaching interest.

SFU recognizes that alternative career paths and/or career interruptions (e.g., parental leave, leave due to illness, research delays due to COVID-19, etc.) can impact research achievements and commits to ensuring that leaves are taken into careful consideration. Candidates are encouraged to highlight in their application how alternative paths and/or interruptions have had an impact on their career. SFU also recognizes the value of mentoring and research training, outreach, professional service, and non-traditional areas of research and/or research outputs.

All applications should be submitted by email to:

Dr. David Whitehurst
Chair, FHS/BCCHR Search Committee
Faculty of Health Sciences
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC, Canada, V5A 1S6

Email: fhs_recruit@sfu.ca

Applications received by October 10th, 2024 will be given full consideration. Applications received after this date may be considered until the position is filled. Any general inquiries regarding this posting may be directed to fhs_recruit@sfu.ca.


Tier II Canada Research Chair in Immunology (Tenure track Assistant/Associate Professor)  |  Posted March 1, 2024

The Opportunity

The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) at SFU invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position and Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Immunology with an anticipated start date of Spring 2025 or later. This position is contingent upon the applicant receiving a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair prior to being appointed to a tenure-track faculty position at SFU.

This Tier 2 CRC appointment opportunity is intended for exceptional emerging scholars in the field of Immunology, at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor (or those who possess the necessary qualifications to be appointed at these levels). Normally, the candidate must have been an active researcher in their field for fewer than 10 years at the time of CRC nomination. Applicants may still be eligible when more than 10 years from their highest degree (and where career breaks exist such as parental, extended sick leave, clinical training, or research delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic, etc.) may have their eligibility for a Tier 2 CRC assessed through the program’s Tier 2 justification process; please see the CRC website for eligibility details. The candidate’s research area should primarily align with the mandate of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) as outlined in the Guidelines for Selecting the Appropriate Federal Granting Agency.

The Successful Applicant

We are searching for an individual of outstanding promise who will contribute to the diversity and excellence of scholars at SFU. The candidate will be expected to maintain an outstanding program of research and a strong record of grant funding within the broad field of Immunology. Knowledge mobilization to the scholarly community, professional groups, the general public, and other stakeholders, as appropriate, is also expected. The candidate must hold a PhD or equivalent doctoral degree and have a proven ability to conduct innovative research. The candidate will show a strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching and will be expected to contribute to teaching and mentorship in Immunology at all levels. The successful candidate will also demonstrate a strong commitment to the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion, consistent with SFU’s active leadership in this area.

We encourage applications from candidates studying any aspect of Immunology that complements current research in FHS and other related programs at SFU. Existing areas of research strength at SFU include infectious diseases immunology, vaccinology, immunogenomics, transplantation immunology, cancer immunology/immunotherapy and immunology related to non-communicable diseases of the cardiovascular system. Emerging areas of research include interdisciplinary immunology related to developmental biology and ageing, neurobiology, environmental biology, Indigenous health and global health. SFU houses outstanding core facilities to support the research of the successful candidate. We particularly encourage applications from investigators who will benefit from access to SFU’s biocontainment level 3 laboratory, flow cytometry and cell sorting facility, confocal and super-resolution microscopy facility, animal research centre or supercomputing infrastructure. Building upon SFU’s strong partnerships with regional hospitals and health authorities (including Vancouver Coastal Health, Fraser Health, Provincial Health Services and First Nations Health), applications that incorporate clinical or translational research objectives will be considered favorably.

Download the full recruitment posting now

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.

All applications should be submitted to:

Dr. Mark Brockman
Chair, Immunology Recruitment Committee
Faculty of Health Sciences
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC  V5A 1S6

Email: fhs_recruit@sfu.ca

Applications received by April 17, 2024 will be given full consideration. Applications received after this date may be considered until the position is filled. Any general inquiries regarding this posting may be directed to fhs_recruit@sfu.ca.

This position is contingent upon the applicant receiving a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair prior to being appointed to a tenure-track faculty position at SFU and thus alignment with the CRC nomination criteria will be part of the overall selection process. The position is subject to the availability of funding and to final approval by the University Board of Governors and the Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat (TIPS). The CRC is tenable for five years and is renewable once, which is subject to the Chairholder demonstrating that they have achieved their objectives from their first term. Interested applicants are invited to review the initial appointment and chair renewal details of the CRC Program.