Undergraduate student research awards

Undergraduate student research awards

Funded research opportunities for undergraduates in Health Sciences

Are you an undergraduate student looking for research experience in an academic setting? The Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) programs provide opportunities for students to be part of a major research project, under the supervision of a university professor.

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has provided funding for undergraduate students who are interested in gaining valuable research experience early in their academic career. SFU also supplements this funding. Only open to Canadian citizens/Permanent Residents.

SFU's Vice-President Research has provided funding for the Vice-President, Research Undergraduate Student Research Awards program (VPR USRA). The program is for current SFU undergraduate students interested in working on a major research project with an eligible university professor. The Faculty of Health Sciences also supplements this funding.

SFU's Vice-President Research has provided funding for the Vice-President, Research Undergraduate Student Research Awards program (VPR USRA). The program is for students who want to work with a faculty member who holds a major grant, but not necessarily from SSHRC or CIHR.

Application requirements

  • It is the student's responsibility to find a faculty member to supervise their research work. Students should approach a faculty member who could be a potential supervisor for a research project before.

  • There are several deadlines throughout the application process, including post-acceptance deadlines. Students should ensure they are aware of all relevant deadlines for their award.