
Indigenous students can build community with the many people and spaces available on Simon Fraser University's campuses. 

Indigenous Student Centre (ISC)

The Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) is dedicated to providing Indigenous students with programs and services that are unique, cultural, and wholistic. Our vision is for Indigenous students to succeed and thrive, as our Ancestors envisioned, with a balance of culture, tradition, and academic success. 

The Indigenous Student Centre offers programs and resources such as: 

  • Career services where students can receive support with career exploration, resume tips, interview tips, networking, and volunteering  

  • Financial aid and awards

  • Indigenous learning living community for students who want to connect with other Indigenous students, engage with and share their own Indigenous heritage and knowledge, and participate in cultural and educational opportunities guided by SFU’s Indigenous Student Centre. 

  • Indigenous recruitment

The ISC also offers health and well-being programs as well as community events.

ISC programs and services can be accessed virtually or in-person on Burnaby and Surrey campuses. To learn more about these spaces check out the Study Spaces page.

Learn more

Office for Aboriginal Peoples (OAP)

The Office for Aboriginal Peoples was established in 2009. Its mandate is to implement the Aboriginal Strategic Plan (ASP) at SFU and to support the initiatives within, while breaking ground on new ones. 

The OAP is home to SFU’s Aboriginal Alumni and Aboriginal Steering Committee.

The OAP is located in AQ 3140 at SFU's Burnaby campus.

Tel: 778-782-9026 

Come Visit

Directory of Aboriginal Contacts

Follow the Directory of Aboriginal Contacts for phone numbers and emails of SFU staff. In addition to OAP and ISC contacts, this list provides contacts for Indigenous students at: 

  • Indigenous Recruitment 

  • Graduate Studies

  • SFU Library 

  • Department of Indigenous Studies

  • President’s Office 

  • Indigenous Languages Program

  • Faculty of Education 

  • Faculty of Health Sciences

  • Department of Psychology 

  • Department of Archaeology

  • School of Resource and Environmental Management 

  • Centre for Restorative Justice

  • Department of History 

  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 

  • Department of Sociology and Anthropology

  • Faculty of Communications, Art and Technology 

  • School of Communications

  • Beedie School of Business 
  • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Bill Reid Centre for Northwest Coast Art Studies 
  • First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Student Association (FNMISA)
  • Community Education Program 
  • Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement Programs (SAGE)
  • Career Services 
  • Indigenous Initiatives, VP Office of People, Equity, and Inclusion 


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