Royal British Columbia Museum Community Consultations

2016 Punjabi Legacy Project

David Lam Centre was the local host for the Punjabi Legacy Project Consultation in Vancouver in September 2016. This was one of the seven province-wide consultations being held under the "BC Punjabi Intercultural History Project", established by the Royal BC Museum (RBCM) and the Centre for Indo Canadian Studies (CICS) at the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) in 2015.

Information for all consultations are available at the Royal BC Museum.

2015 Exhibition on Gold Rush

Early in 2014 Gary A. Mitchell Provincial Archivist & Vice President, Archives, Collections & Knowledge, Royal BC Museum and David Lam Centre co-hosted the first community consultation for RBCM.

With support and cooperation from the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, a large community gathering addressed the legacy of the Gold Rush. Participants considered the place of the Gold Rush historically and its current relevance to Chinese Canadians.

The Chinese Canadian History in British Columbia project at RBCM was completed in 2015.