Research area


Research type

Korea Foundation – Fieldwork Research Fellowship 


  • Monthly stipend:
  1. TYPE A –For Doctoral Candidates: KRW 2,300,000 (2,357.99 CAD/month. conversion rate as on 29th oct 2023).
  2. TYPE B – For full time lecturer, researcher with experience in teaching or research at a university of research institute, Assistant/Associate or full Professors, or individuals in professional or research fields: KRW 3,000,000 (3,075.26 CAD/per month. conversion rate as on 29th oct 2023).
  • Round-trip airfare (shortest distance economy flight): Provided only to fellows whose country of residence is included on the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of ODA Recipients on the official OECD website as of this program's application submission deadline (e.g., least-developed countries, other low-income countries, and lower-middle income countries; fellows from upper-middle income countries are ineligible for airfare support) .
  • Travel Insurance coverage.
  • Support for entry expenses (one-time payment):
  1. Doctoral candidate: KRW 500,000 (512.54 CAD, rate as on 29th oct 2023).
  2. PhD degree holder: KRW 1,000,000 (1,025.09 CAD, rate as on 29th oct 2023).
  3. Tenured associate or full professor: KRW 1,500,000

Application Details:

Duration: 1 month (minimum) to 6 months (maximum).

Deadline:  August annually.


Citizenship: Open

General: The Korea Foundation offers annual fellowship for research on Korean Studies or Korea-related comparative/case studies within the fields of humanities, social science, culture, and arts for Korean studies scholars and experts.


  • Applicants must be able to conduct their research in Korean or English.
  • Or Korean nationals, only those who have acquired citizenship or permanent residency status in a country outside Korea are eligible to apply.     
  • The eligibility criterias are different for TYPE A and Type B.
  • TYPE A applicants need to be doctoral candidates who have completed their required coursework and are in the process of writing their doctoral dissertation.
  • TYPE A applicants need to submit the following documents:
  1. Application form 
  2. Curriculum vitae (including the applicant’s signature)
  3. Research proposal (free format, 5-10 pages)
  4. Proposal for cooperative research with a Korean scholar Written by the Korean scholar, submitted by the applicant. (Please insert the Korean scholar’s signature)
  5. Two letters of reference: one from Head of the applicant’s institution (university president, dean, department chair, institute director, etc.). And one from Dissertation supervisor in applicant’s country of residence.
  6. Evidence of current employment or enrollment (official letter or certificate)
  7. Graduate school transcripts (MA & PhD)
  8. Copy of the most recently obtained academic degree.
  9. Certificate of coursework completion (official letter written by the department head or supervisor).
  • Type B applicants need to be full-time lecturers or researchers with experience in teaching or research at a university or research institute- Assistant, associate, or full professors or individuals currently in a professional or research field (PhD degree holders only).
  • TYPE B applicants need to submit the following documents:
  1. Application form
  2. Curriculum vitae (including the applicant’s signature).
  3. Research proposal (free format, 5-10 pages).
  4. Proposal for cooperative research with a Korean scholar
    1. Written by the Korean scholar, submitted by the applicant.
    2. Please insert the Korean scholar’s signature.
  5. Two letters of reference. One from head of the applicant’s institution (university president, dean, department chair, institute director). And one from an individual capable of evaluation the applicant's research proposal (expert or professor of applicant's country of residence).
  6. Copy of the most recently obtained academic degree.
  7. Evidence of current employment (official letter or certificate).
  • Individuals in the following circumstances are ineligible for consideration:
  1. Those who currently study or conduct research in Korea.
  2.  Those who received support through the KF Field Research Fellowship program or research grants for field research from other Korean public organizations within the past three years.
  • Applicants must have an affiliate scholar and host institution in Korea. (Please note: The KF does not provide any recommendations or information regarding Korean scholars.)


  • This fellowship program is designed to encourage Korean Studies research by doctorate-level students and prominent scholars through the sponsorship of their visit to Korea so they can conduct onsite field research, gather pertinent data, access resource materials, and develop personal relations with Korean specialists.
  • The fellowship period approved by the Foundation may differ from the applicant’s proposed schedule.
  • Professors, Lecturers, and Researchers must publish an article in an academic journal registered in A&HCI/SSCI or that is officially registered at a country’s ministry of education (within two years after the fellowship period) or a monograph (within three years after the fellowship period).
  • All fellows are required to submit a final report on their research (in accordance with the KF’s standard report form) two weeks before the end of the fellowship period.
  • Doctoral candidate (Type A) fellows must make efforts to submit their doctoral dissertation and obtain their doctorate within two years after the end of the fellowship period. Upon acquiring their doctorate, they must submit their doctoral dissertation to the KF.
  • Faculty member (Type B) fellows are encouraged to publish an article in an A&HCI/SSCI/SCOPUS journal, or an academic journal registered with their respective country’s ministry of education within two years after the end of the fellowship period or publish a book within three years after the end of the fellowship period. Any such published articles or books must be submitted to the KF.


The Academy of Korean Studies Fellowship 


  • A stipend of 2,00,000 KRW (2,050CAD, 29th oct 2023 conversation rate) per month
  • Round trip airfare.
  • Up to 50% discount of AKS guest house charges.
  • Access to the facilities of AKS including the library

Application details:

Deadline: July, annual.

Duration: up to 1 year.


Citizenship: Open

General: The AKS Fellowship is a program designed to support foreign Korean Studies scholars who wish to reside in Korea and there to conduct academic activities related to Korean Studies.


  • Foreign scholars of foreign university(including those who have Korean nationality with permanent residence status in foreign countries) in the humanities and social sciences, who are currently engaged in Korea-related teaching and research activities, are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must be a candidate for or a holder of doctorate degree.
  • The required documents for application include:
  1. Application form
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  3. Certificate of Employment (Registration)
  4. Extra Documents for Doctoral Candidate
  5. Certificate of Ph.D. course completion (or document that proves ABD status)
  6. Reference Letter from Ph.D. dissertation advisor
  • Applicants who have Korean citizenship should submit permenant residence document
  • All applications and required documents should be prepared in English or Korean only. If not, the certified translation document (English or Korean) must be attached.
    • Applications will be assessed on the basis of merit of the research plan and the feasibility of carrying out the proposed research at AKS, possibility of contribution to the development of Korean studies, research track records and possibility of joint teaching and researches with AKS professors and researchers.



  • The Academy of Korean Studies runs the “AKS Fellowship Program for Korean Studies” in order to provide international scholars and doctoral candidates with an opportunity to carry out their research (dissertation research).
  • The applicants can apply for minimum one month to maximum one year support.
  • Fellows are expected to present research results at an AKS Colloquium and to submit their research paper (presentation paper) before the termination of their research period.
  • Fellows should inform AKS when the research results are published and should submit 2 original copies of the publication.
  • Publication resulted from the program should acknowledge the support from the AKS Fellowship Program.


Korea Foundation – Korean Language Training Fellowship 


  • Monthly living expenses: 1,000,000 KRW (1,025.25 CAD, 29th Oct 2023 conversion rate) for Undergraduates, bachelor’s/master's degree holders or individuals with less than three years of related career experience. KRW 1,200,000 KRW (1230.30 CAD 29th Oct 2023 conversion rate) for Doctoral candidates or individuals with at least three years of related career experience.
  • Tuition.
  • Travel allowance 300,000 KRW (307.67 CAD 29th Oct 2023 conversion rate) one-tine benefit
  • Health insurance (accident/medical care insurance provided by a Korean insurance company)


Application details:

Deadline: July 31, annually

Duration: 6 months. If fellowship recipients demonstrate outstanding results, the fellowship period may be extended for up to two three-month periods, adding up to a maximum total period of twelve months.


Citizenship: Open

General: The Korea Foundation provides foreign scholars and graduate students of Korean studies and those working in Korea-related fields abroad with an opportunity to learn Korean systematically in a Korean language immersion program at Korean universities.

Individuals corresponding to any of the following profile are not eligible to apply:

- Korean citizens

- Those currently studying or conducting research in Korea

- Those planning to enroll in a degree program at a university in Korea

(Fellowship recipients may not enroll in a degree program at a Korean university during the fellowship period.)

- Those who have received the KF Fellowship for Korean Language Training



  • Applicants must be able to understand and speak basic-level Korean at least.
  • Persons who are engaged in Korea-related research within the context of the humanities arts, culture or social sciences and meet the following profiles may apply:
  1. Undergraduates : Undergraduate students with a major or minor in Korean studies (or Korean language) in Southeast Asia, Central Europe, the CIS, the Middle East, Africa and Central and South America
    1. * In the case of students at a university without a master's degree course in Korean language or Korean studies in regions not mentioned above, junior or senior students who have attended eight or more courses on Korea-related subjects are also eligible to apply.
  2. Master's/Doctoral candidates: Graduate students pursuing a major or minor in Korea-related fields with a detailed research plan on a Korea-related topic.
  3. University professors, lecturers, and researchers: University professors, lecturers and researchers involved in Korea-related education and research and teach Korean as a subject of higher education.
  4. Professionals: Professionals engaged in Korea-related activities in the fields of arts and culture (e.g.) Korean art curators at prominent museums abroad, Korean studies librarians at overseas university libraries, journalists specialized in Korean affairs, etc.
  5. Former KF Diplomat Fellows: Diplomats who previously participated in the KF Korean Language and Culture Program for Diplomats and wish to enhance their Korean proficiency (the number of fellowship awards for diplomats to be determined separately).


  • This fellowship is awarded to researchers and graduate students studying Korean Studies subjects, and other persons professionally engaged in Korea-related activities who wish to have an opportunity to take a language immersion program and learn Korean in a systematic manner at a university in Korea.
  • Fellowship recipients must progress one level higher for each term of study, and submit a report, using the Foundation's report form, before the expiration of the fellowship period.
  • The institution at which fellowship recipients are to receive language training will be selected by the Foundation, and fellowship recipients may start the training in either March or September. They may not defer enrollment to the following year.
  • During the fellowship period, fellowship recipients may not receive concurrent support from another KF program or another institution.
  • Application can be made through program announcements each year.



Association for Asian Studies (AAS) – AAS Northeast Asia Council (NEAC) Korean Studies Grant – Short-term Research Travel Outside North America


  • Up to 5,000 USD.
  • Only airfare, ground transportation (train, airport shuttle, bus, subway, etc.), and a maximum of $200 for daily expenses (meals & lodging) are eligible for reimbursement.

Application details:

Deadline: February 1 or October 1, annually

Duration: 9 months.


Citizenship: North American-based scholars

General: must be current AAS members


  • Applicants must be current AAS members.
  • Justification for why research outside North America/in Korea is required to do this research must be provided.


  • The Northeast Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies (NEAC), in conjunction with the Korea Foundation, offers a grant program in Korean studies designed to assist the research of individual scholars based in North America to improve the quality of teaching about Korea on both the college and precollege levels, and to integrate the study of Korea into the major academic disciplines. 
  • Grant is open to North American-based scholars to cover travel expenses on trips to Korea or other sites outside North America for projects explicitly related to Korean studies that can be accomplished in a relatively short period.
  • The grant funds cannot be used to pay for human subjects. Moreover, they are NOT intended for primary and/or initial dissertation research fieldwork. Pre-doctoral research will only be considered to FINALIZE a project. NEAC research travel grant funding is also NOT intended for partial funding of long-term research, and these applications will not be considered.
  • Only economy airfare is allowed
  • Applicants must not have received funding in this category within the past three years.
  • strong consideration given to scholars who have limited or no access to funding from a home institution. 


Association for Asian Studies (AAS) – AAS Northeast Asia Council (NEAC) Korean Studies Grant – Research Travel Within North America 


Up to 1,500 USD, including a maximum of 200 USD for daily expenses and airfare.

Application details:

Deadline: August, annually


Citizenship: North American-based scholars

General: must be current AAS members; wish to use museum, library, or other archival materials located in the United States and Canada


  • Applicants must be current AAS members.
  • Available to scholars who are based in North America, are engaged in research on Korea, and wish to use museum, library, or other archival materials located in the United States and Canada.


  • The Northeast Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies (NEAC), in conjunction with the Korea Foundation, offers a grant program in Korean studies designed to assist the research of individual scholars based in North America to improve the quality of teaching about Korea on both the college and precollege levels, and to integrate the study of Korea into the major academic disciplines. 
  • The grant funds cannot be used to pay for human subjects. Moreover, they are NOT intended for primary and/or initial dissertation research fieldwork. Pre-doctoral research will only be considered to FINALIZE a project. NEAC research travel grant funding is also NOT intended for partial funding of long-term research, and these applications will not be considered.
  • Applicants must not have received funding in this category within the past three years.
  • strong consideration given to scholars who have limited or no access to funding from a home institution. 


Moon Family Postdoctoral Fellowship  


  • The fellowship will provide a stipend of $57,000 as well as conference travel funds up to $2,000. The Kim Center will cover the cost of the fellow’s health insurance (including medical, dental, vision, and life). The postdoctoral fellow will also receive an office space and access to libraries and other resources at Penn. The fellowship may be renewed for a second year, based on satisfactory performance, the existence of funding, and programmatic need.

Deadline: annually 

Duration: 12-months.


  • This fellowship supports fields in the social sciences broadly defined (e.g., anthropology, communication, economics, education, geography, political science, sociology, and other related disciplines). The applicant who is awarded the fellowship must complete all requirements for the Ph.D. degree (dissertation deposited).
  • Application Requirements
  1. Cover Letter (including a description of research projects to be carried out during the fellowship, and teaching interests/experiences)
  2. CV
  3. Writing Sample (a published/publishable article or a dissertation chapter)
  4. One course syllabus
  5. Two Letters of Recommendation (uploaded to the Interfolio directly by the recommenders)


  • The postdoctoral fellowship is open to scholars whose research and teaching focus on contemporary Korea in the social sciences broadly defined (e.g., anthropology, communication, economics, education, geography, political science, sociology, and other related disciplines).
  • The fellow will be required to: 1) reside in the Philadelphia area; 2) teach one course per year; 3) give a public presentation for the Korean Studies Colloquium; 4) mentor the Kim Center graduate fellows; 5) participate in the Kim Center events and related activities at Penn; and 6) organize a Korean Studies Conference.
