Research area

East Asia/Southeast Asia

Research type

Lee Kong Chian NUS-Stanford Fellowship on Contemporary Southeast Asia


  • $8,000  USD per month

Deadline: January, annual. 


Citizenship: Open

Duration: Three to four months at Stanford and three to four months at NUS writing and conducting research on, or related to, contemporary Southeast Asia. 


  • Interested individuals with professional backgrounds and current, ongoing professional positions related to the social sciences or humanities are encouraged to apply. 
  • Candidates of any nationality or seniority. 
  • Fellows will be based at NUS and Stanford consecutively in either order.  

Applicants should submit the following six (6) items:  

  1. A project statement (not exceeding three pages) that addresses the candidate’s research project’s central analytic question(s) and argument(s), explains its intellectual contribution to scholarship on Southeast Asia, and describes the writing and research envisaged during the fellowship. The statement should also clearly state the specific outcomes that the project is expected to achieve. 
  2. A detailed schedule of the proposed fellowship period including dates of anticipated residence at NUS and at Stanford. 
  3. A sample of published, English-language work by the candidate that is directly or indirectly related to the research project. 
  4. The candidate’s full curriculum vitae (CV) including a list of publications. 
  5. Full contact information, including email addresses, for three (3) academic referees who should be able, if asked, to evaluate the proposal and the candidate. 
  6. Full contact information for the applicant including an email address.  


  • The Lee Kong Chian Fellowship is the core of the Lee Kong Chian NUS-Stanford Initiative on Southeast Asia, a joint effort established in 2007 by the National University of Singapore and Stanford University to raise the visibility, extent, and quality of scholarship on contemporary Southeast Asia. The infrastructure for research pursued through the fellowship is provided by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at NUS and the Southeast Asia Program in the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (Shorenstein APARC) at Stanford. Although we do not expect the following guidelines for applicants to change, they could be altered depending on conditions related to a viral threat such as COVID-19. 
  • One or two candidates may be awarded fellowships each year. Fellows have opportunities to present their research and participate in seminars and workshops organized by relevant campus units. Exposure to the two universities and their scholars and resources enriches and diversifies collegial feedback on the fellows’ research projects and facilitates intellectual exchange and networking on both sides of the Pacific. 
  • Each fellowship covers two separate roundtrip economy-class airfares: one from the fellow’s country of residence to NUS (or to Stanford) and back to that country, the other from that country to Stanford (or to NUS) and back to that country. Exceptions to this rule are discouraged but may be considered depending on the circumstances.  


American Center for Mongolian Studies – Field Research Fellowships


  • Up to 4,000 USD per individual award 
  • Up to 8,000 USD per joint award.  

Deadline: February of each year

Duration: Short-term research. at least 6 weeks for students or 3 weeks for post-docs or faculty of fieldwork in Mongolia. 


Citizenship: US citizens

General: must regularly teach at least one course at a US university or college


  • Applicants must be US citizens currently enrolled full-time (students) or employed at least part-time (post-docs and faculty) at a university or college. 
  • Students who have just graduated are eligible for the program.  
  • Undergraduate applicants must have at least a third year standing in their program, 
  • Graduate applicants can be at a masters, pre-dissertation, or doctoral candidacy level. 
  • Post-doctoral scholars and faculty must regularly teach at least one course at a US university or college to be eligible. 
  • The program priority for post-doctoral scholars and faculty is to support individuals from non-research intensive universities and colleges, especially those who are helping guide student research projects or who can show how the fellowship experience will enhance their teaching and outreach. 
  • Joint applications submitted by a student and post-doctoral scholar or faculty member are highly encouraged. 


  • The ACMS Field Research Fellowship supports short-term field research projects in Mongolia by students, university and college faculty and other researchers. The field research project should be conducted in conjunction with a Research Sponsor, such as a faculty member or senior researcher.
  • Preference is given to projects in which the Research Sponsor will work directly with the researcher in the field in Mongolia.Research Sponsors should have relevant experience in supporting academic field research, and agree to host the fellow’s research project. Field research projects should last a minimum of 3 weeks, and be conducted in Mongolia between May and October.
  • In their applications, post-doctoral applicants are asked to describe how their participation in the project will support their teaching, outreach, and career goals, and how their project supports the development of US-Mongolian cooperation. Applicants are required to include a letter of support from their Research Sponsors.
  • Research projects in any field, including humanities, sciences and social sciences are eligible. Prior experience conducting research in Mongolia is not a requirement for applicants or students’ Research Sponsors. Final selection is made by a selection committee comprising members of the academic and professional communities in Ulaanbaatar utilizing uniform evaluation criteria. 


The D.Kim Foundation Fellowships


  • Up to 25,000 USD for dissertation fellowship.
  • Up to 60,000 USD for post-doctoral fellowship.
  • If a recipient receives another fellowship or grant, he/she must report it to the Foundation. The Foundation may adjust the amount of the fellowship award accordingly.

Application Details: fellowships for post-doctoral and dissertation (student needs to indicate in the application form).

Deadline: December , of each year

Duration: 1 year

Citizenship: Open

General: topics are related to the history of science and technology in modern East Asia


  • No requirement of nationality, origins, or gender.
  • All applications must include the abstract (or paper), and a detailed outline of budget (transportation, lodging, and registration).
  • Dissertation Fellowship: Three or four fellowships (up to $25,000 each) will be awarded annually to Ph.D. candidates who intend to finish their dissertations within  a year or two. Applicants should include two (fairly complete, not rough) draft chapters with their application.
  • Post-doctoral Fellowship: Two or three fellowships ($60,000 each) will be awarded annually to a distinguished young scholar who has received his/her doctoral degree within the previous five years. Applicants should include an invitation letter from their host institution; the host institution cannot be changed without permission from the Foundation. Applicants are encouraged to select different institutions from their alma mater or previously related ones as their hosts.


  • The Foundation provides fellowships to support graduate students and young scholars who are working in the history of science and technology in modern East Asia.
  • Comparative studies of East Asia and the West as well as studies in related fields (mathematics, medicine and public health) are also welcome.
  • English is the official language of the Foundation. All application materials (including sample chapters, papers, and essays) should be written in English. All publications, workshops, and meetings that the Foundation support use English only.
