Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies (CJBS)

Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies

A scholarly peer-reviewed, open access, online publication covering all aspects of Buddhist Studies
Image © Dang Hong Anh

Focus and scope

The Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies, published by the David See Chai Lam Centre for International Communication, is a peer-reviewed, open access, online journal covering all aspects of Buddhist studies. The editorial board recognizes the inherently interdisciplinary and international nature of contemporary Buddhist studies and is open to submissions from scholars working in, but not limited to, anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, history and religious studies. Articles may focus on any region or historical period. Scholars do not have to be affiliated with a Canadian university to submit.

The Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies welcomes articles on classical textual and intertextual analysis, including work on hagiography, Buddhist art, ritual, doctrinal questions and lineage formation, and work on contemporary Buddhist communities concerning, for example, the implications of fluid demographic transformations, cultural hybridity, and challenges associated with communal continuity of praxis and doctrine in a context of global mobilities.

The Canadian context is a key concern of Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies. However, global realities of migration, rapidly changing mass media and telecommunications, and the associated ascendancy of mobility perspectives in the social sciences necessitate inclusion of articles on Buddhists in countries other than Canada.

Journal History

The first issue of the Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies was published in 2005 by the Nalanda College of Buddhist Studies located in Toronto. Professor Suwanda Sugunasiri was editor for the first ten years. After Professor Sugunasiri’s retirement from the journal in 2015 it was relocated to the David See Chai Lam Centre for International Communication at Simon Fraser University. During the transition a new editorial board was assembled and the orientation of the journal reconsidered. It was relaunched in 2016 with a view to expanding the role of the journal in strengthening communication between Buddhist scholars in Canada and with international colleagues.

CJBS News Blog

The journal is accompanied by a news blog, a platform for graduate students in the field to catch up with current academic conversations, discuss their research and share experiences. It can become an effective conduit of communication concerning new courses, conferences and much more. If you are interested in becoming regular contributors to Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies News blog or know any graduate students who wishes to contribute, please contact Bao Ngoc LE at

Peer review process

Articles are subject to a blind peer review process. No manuscript will be considered for publication if it is concurrently under consideration by another journal or press or if it has been published or is soon to be published elsewhere.

Before being sent to an area specialist for review, on recommendation from our editorial board, the editor will make a decision as to the appropriateness of an article's general content and quality for publication in the journal. Normally articles will be reviewed within six weeks of submission and a report sent to the author or authors. An additional four weeks is allocated for revision and the aim is to have the article ready for publication within six months of submission.

Articles are evaluated based on the level of rigour undertaken in the research process and demonstrated familiarity with the current state of research and methodology in the domain under discussion. Also considered are the originality of the insights offered and contributions to ongoing discussions or debates in the field.

Article submission

While Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies accepts articles all year, we have a submission deadline for each issue. Please contact Bao Ngoc LE at Please consult submission guidelines before submitting an article.

Book review

Scholars interested in reviewing any titles from our list and/or suggest a book for review are welcome to contact our Book Review Editor Dr. Jacqueline Ho at for more information.

Publication Frequency

The Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies is published once per year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Editorial team


Paul Crowe, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Sarah F. Haynes, Western Illinois University, United States

Book Review Editor

Jacqueline Ho, Mount Royal University, Canada

Editorial Board

Martin T. Adam, University of Victoria, Canada
James A. Benn, McMaster University, Canada
Michael P. Berman, Brock University, Canada
Jinhua Chen, University of British Columbia, Canada
Barbra Clayton, Mount Allison University, Canada
Paul Crowe, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Christoph Emmrich, University of Toronto, Canada
John Harding, University of Lethbridge, Canada
Sarah Haynes, Western Illinois University, United States
Jacqueline Ho, Mount Royal University, Canada
Victor G. Hori, McGill University, Canada
André Laliberté, University of Ottawa, Canada
Jessica Main, University of British Columbia, Canada
Henry Shiu, University of Toronto, Canada
Alexander Soucy, St. Mary's University, Canada
Marybeth White, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Benjamin Wood, Langara College, Canada
Susan Andrews, Mount Allison University, Canada

Journal Communications & Support

Bao Ngoc LE, Simon Fraser University, Canada

The CJBS online:    T    F    o

Journal Sponsorship

David See Chai Lam Centre for International Communication, Simon Fraser University