The Cultural Legacy of Cantonese & Italian Opera in Vancouver
Co-Presented by David Lam Centre
As part of the Multi Voices One Heart (MVOH) 2023 Trans-Pacific Cantonese Opera Festival, PCHC-Museum of Migration Society in partnership with the Italian Cultural Centre Museum and the David Lam Centre at Simon Fraser University will present a pair of workshops after the three live shows at Michael J. Fox Theatre on August 18 and 19.
Workshop I (in English) - FREE to the public
The Cultural Legacy of Cantonese & Italian Opera in Vancouver: A Conversation Open to All — a conversation based on a joint project and exhibition in 2017 bearing the same name. Dr Angela Clarke, and Ms. Winnie L. Cheung will host a conversation to further examine the cultural legacy of Cantonese and Italian Opera and its impact on multicultural Canada. Some artefacts from both opera traditions will be on display.
Date: Sunday, August 20, 2023
Time: 2:00 - 3:00pm
Place: SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver
Joseph & Rosalie Segal Centre Room 1400
Workshop II (in Cantonese) - $20 (including reception)
資深紅伶吳仟峰先生與粵劇曲藝大師劉永全先生的對話,由「萬千聲音眾志-心」創辦人姜張麗青女士主持,與知音者細訴如何透過聲線、唱腔、做手等藝術元素演繹歌曲及劇中人物, 並探討粵劇作為活的文化藝術載體,如何在保留傳統的同時,去蕪存菁及靈活地創新。
Date: Sunday, August 20, 2023
Time: 3:15 - 5:00pm
Place: SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver
Joseph & Rosalie Segal Centre Room 1400