Mobile, Migrants and Marginalization: Negotiated Transformations, Presented by Dr. Arul Chib

May 18, 2016

The discourse around global migration is sensationalized as a crisis of civilizations. This talk focuses on the role of mobiles beyond that of a mythicized empowerment tool. It positions resilience for marginalized migrant communities within a broader frame of structuration, and the dialectic struggle that emerges as a consequence of the Introduction, usage, and appropriation of modern ICTs, such as mobile phones. I examine the mobile phones discourse as a "'transformative tool" In power renegotiation processes, focusing on intersections on gender and class. I Investigate this proposition within the context of domestic workers, blue-collar workers, and transnational mothering. The talk concludes with comments on the contribution of research to the discourse.

Dr. Chib studies the contributions of Information and communication technologies to positive development outcomes. His research focuses on the use of mobile phones in healthcare systems in resource-constrained environments, and ln transnational migration to developed countries. His work addresses issues of power including the intersection of gender with technology, and the role of agency and appropriation. As Director of SIRC, Dr. Chib oversees a global research capacity-building programme ln numerous emerging economies of Africa, Asia, and Latin America and addresses the role of research in influencing policy, practice, and public opinion.