SFU's Department of World Languages and Literatures (WLL) offers language courses in Arabic, Chinese, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese, Punjabi, and Spanish, and a wide selection of World Literatures courses, featuring a cross-cultural selection of literary works in English translation.
WLL Enrolment Q & A
How do I enroll in, waitlist for, or drop a course?
For information about enrollment, swapping, dropping etc, please see instructions for goSFU. If you are having trouble with enrollment or need academic advice, please contact the the department's advisor.
Please keep in mind the deadlines regarding course adds, drops, and fees.
Can I audit a course?
Yes. There are two types of audit:
- Course audit. If you are a registered student at SFU, you may enroll in a course audit. It will be noted on your transcript but will not, however, provide credits towards graduation. Please see information in the SFU Calendar about course audit.
To enroll in a course audit, please contact the department advisor. Please note that an audit enrollment will only be processed after all students have had an opportunity to register for credit. - Special audit. If you are not a registered student at SFU, you may be able to audit the course via SFU Continuing Studies.
Can I repeat a language course?
Yes. Keep in mind that a student may only repeat five courses in a degree program and no individual course may be repeated more than once. Please see the SFU Calendar repeat guidelines.
Can I challenge a language course?
You may challenge a language course if you are completing the subsequent language course at SFU (eg you are registered in a course for which the challenge course is a prerequisite). For example, if you have some knowledge of Spanish and are therefore placed into Introductory Spanish II, you can challenge Introductory Spanish I.
Up to six credits in a given language may be challenged. A minimum grade of C in the higher course must be obtained to receive challenge credit.
Please see the SFU Calendar course challenge guidelines. Note that a maximum of 60 credits may be obtained by the combination of transfer and course challenge.
To enroll in a course challenge, please contact the course instructor. Once permission is granted, the Advisor will arrange for enrollment.
What is the grading scale for language courses?
Below is a general grading scale and may vary with different courses and instructors. Students should consult the instructor and course outline for the grading scale that will be used in their course.
A+ 96-100 A 91-95 A- 87-90 B+ 83-86 B 79-82 B- 75-78 C+ 70-74 C 65-69 C- 59-64 D 50-58 F 0-49
How can I appeal my final grade?
Before you appeal a grade, please read the policies and procedures regarding Grading and the Reconsideration of Grades. If you submit a grade appeal request, your course work may receive a lower grade, a higher grade, or the same grade after re-evaluation. Please note that failing grades are checked carefully and seldom result in higher grade except when a clerical error has occurred.
To appeal a grade:
- Discuss your concerns with your course instructor. A student who is seeking reconsideration of his/her final grade in a course is expected to raise the concern with the Instructor without delay, normally within 10 days of the release of the final grade.
- After consultation with the course instructor, if you feel there are grounds for appeal, you must submit a written request to the Director of the Language Training Institute for reconsideration of the grade. You must provide, in writing, supporting reason and all relevant information together with all original marked assignments and exams. A request must normally be submitted within 60 days of the release of grades.
- After consultation with the Director, if you feel that the decision was not appropriately addressed at the Department level, you may submit an appeal in writing to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences. The appeal will be reviewed by the Associate Dean, Undergraduate. The decision is final, subject only to an appeal to Senate.
Languages: Exchange credit evaluations
If you complete a language course while on exchange, please submit the request for course articulation via the Study Abroad process. All documentation must be submitted to enable evaluation.
Inadequate information about the course content and/or materials will result in evaluation delays and requests for additional information. Credits will be awarded only if the required information is provided. It is your responsibility to provide the information necessary for exchange credit evaluation at SFU.
Please note that the Department of World Languages and Literatures is only be able to articulate courses in languages for which we have knowledgeable faculty members.