
We are here for you

At WLL's advising office, we're here to help you! Don't hesitate to contact us.

Our academic advisors are available to help students with the following:

  • Degree and course planning
  • Declaring major/minor
  • Academic progress
  • Course management
  • Academic support/career prep
  • Student support

Contact WLL's advisors

For academic advising, please contact:

Maria Hamilton
Manager & Advisor 
Email: wlladv@sfu.ca
Phone: 604-782-7576
Office: AQ 5115

* Please include your name, student number, and a detailed explanation of your situation in all email correspondence with the advisor.

Advising  information

  • Please email for an appointment—and include your student ID# and a detailed explanation of your situation when you do.
  • Students attending an advising session are encouraged to bring their current Advising Transcript available through GoSFU