SFU Science researchers receive $9.2 million in new NSERC funding

June 14, 2024

Simon Fraser University Faculty of Science researchers have received $9.2 million in newly awarded funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery and Research Tools and Instruments grants programs.

The funding, announced on June 14, 2024, provides funding for new scientific instruments and long-term operating funds to support research programs led by Faculty of Science faculty in a wide variety of natural sciences and engineering disciplines, including chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics and statistics.

Applicants from the Faculty of Science were awarded $5,722,500 in five-year Discovery awards and supplements plus $1,374,900 in one year Discovery grant extensions, for a total of $7,097,400 in newly awarded NSERC Discovery program funding.  

SFU Physics professor Darren Grant has been awarded $1,685,000 over three years from the NSERC Subatomic Physics Discovery Grants program.

In addition, SFU Physics professor Nancy Forde and SFU Chemistry professors Byron Gates and Krzysztof Starosta have received funding totalling $420,000 for equipment through the NSERC Research Tools and Instruments grants program.
