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K-12 Resources

Thank you to all the K-12 teachers and community partners who have made Science in Action part of their science learning!

If you are looking for any hands-on science activities please check out our Science in Action program at SFU and book your group by contacting us.

Check out all our workshop topics on our registration form and K-12 resources for fun teaching ideas.

Thank you for your continued engagement with SFU Science!

6,334 K-12 students participated in our 2022-2023 programs

74% or participants were elementary students and 26% were high school students

170 schools engaged in our programming

Science in Action 

Our faculty open our labs to thousands of K-12 learners throughout the school year. These free workshops provide a great opportunity to experience a post-secondary setting and to get a close and personal look at what research entails.

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Online & Virtual K-12 lessons

These resources are available for parents and teachers to download as lessons or after school activities. We've included an array of science lessons at various grade levels that work with BC's new learning curriculum.

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Workshops for Educators

These workshops are designed to help K-12 educators make their science lessons fun and engaging! These free workshops are offered either virtually or on Pro D days. 

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Volunteer or Donate

Our free programs are made possible with the generous help from our community. If you wish to help keep our programs operating, consider making a donation or volunteering if you are an SFU student.


Let's Talk Science

The SFU branch of this national program supports free, K-12 science education in classrooms in BC. SFU student volunteers are available to bring STEM activities to your classroom, homeschool group or community organization.

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Meet our Facilitators

Meet some of our faculty and staff members who dedicate their time and expertise to share their passion and expertise with our community.

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We're always working to improve our programs, so please take a minute to share your feedback.