Locating Potential Suitable Land for Establishing a New Polytechnic Institute

Higher Education is an important component of the Greater Vancouver area. There is a number of schools such as UBC, SFU, BCIT, among quite a few others. However, in order to train more skilled persons, there is a need to establish another school similar to BCIT, a polytechnic institute, that can support the great number of students looking to become trained. The question becomes, where is the suitable area to build such a school in the Greater Vancouver area?


Rationale and Methodology

-Constraint 1 - Developable Zones

-Constraint 2 - Close to Highway

-Constraint 3 - Away from other schools

-Constraint 4 - Aspect and Slope

-Constraint 5 and Spatial Analysis
Result and Problems

Data and References


The information in this site provides an example of the decision support ability of a GIS. Clark Labs provide IDRISI as the program used in this project.

Copyright © Nicholas Y. L. 2008
Department of Geography
Simon Fraser University