University Policies and Procedures



Grading Policies

Refer to the FHS Undergraduate and Graduate Student Grading Guidelines for more information about promoting grading consistency and on managing conflicts. Additional information is available below:

·         Undergraduate grading systems and policies

·         Graduate grading systems and policies

·         Grading and reconsideration of grades

In the Faculty of Health Sciences, instructors are expected to apply final grades in a fair and consistent manner, and in line with University and FHS policies. Occasionally, errors in grading can occur and if a student has evidence that a grading error has occurred, they may request reconsideration of their final grade. Grade reconsiderations are not considered on the basis of dissatisfaction with the grade or the student’s desire for a higher grade. Grade reconsiderations are governed by Policy T20.01: Grading and the Reconsideration of Grades and FHS’ Final Grade Reconsideration and Appeal Guidelines for Instructors. Please ensure you are familiar with the University policy and FHS’ guidelines if you receive a final grade reconsideration request.

Deferred Grades

A ‘DE’ (deferred) grade is a temporary notation given on medical or compassionate grounds. See more information here.   

All unchanged DE notations will automatically convert to an “N” following 21 days after final grades are posted (generally sometime after the fifth day of classes of the following term). Any request for a DE to be extended beyond the lapse deadline must be submitted using the electronic grade change form, available in the Faculty Service Centre.  


Grade Changes and Appeals

Changes to grades or notations must be made before the end of the semester following the semester in which the grade was assigned. Grade changes beyond this time are not generally approved except in exceptional circumstances.

The grade change e-form is found on a tab located in SIMS / goSFU next to your Faculty Center tab that shows course rosters and grade entry.  Instructions are posted here.


Final Grades Deadline

Grades are due according to the following schedule. Deadlines are set by the university, and are required to be followed:

        • Courses with a final exam: 4 days (96 hours) after the final exam.   
        • Courses without a final exam: 96 hours after the last day of classes. 
         (Weekends are included in the above deadline calculations)

Ensure that you and your TAs have sufficient time to finish all grading in the 96 hours after the exam. If you anticipate that you will not be available for grading in the 96 hours after the final exam (due to previous commitments, religious holidays, etc.) you can request a change to the exam date. This must be done prior to the start of registration. Note that dates are set by Records and Registration and there is no guarantee that they will accommodate your request. If they cannot accommodate your request, you must retain the exam date originally assigned.


Group Work Activity Guidelines and Grading

Refer to this document on more information about group work activity guidelines and grading.


Instructions for Electronic Grade Submissions

Instructions on how to enter or upload grades are available here.

Use Internet Explorer as your web browser for grade submission, as it works best with the SIMS/goSFU system.  Click on Faculty Center and your courses will be displayed. Select the icon for ‘Grade Roster/Upload’.

Important: Make sure to save the grades after entering, ensure their accuracy, and once you are sure that no further changes are necessary, change the menu to ‘Ready for Review’ and click ‘Save’. 


Specific Grade Information
Note that 'F' represents the quality of a student's work, whereas 'N' (Incomplete) represents the quantity of a student's work.  Students who are issued a failing grade due to lack of completion of work should be assigned an 'N'. 

'D+' and 'D-' are not valid grades.

'WD’ (Withdrawal), ‘WE’ (Withdrawal under Extenuating Circumstances) and ‘GN’ (Grade Not Reported) are notations, not grades and cannot be assigned by an instructor. When assigned, they are the result of a student's interaction with the Student Services Office or the Registrar.