Experiential learning programs

Building Skills, Shaping Leaders

These experiential learning and skills development programs at SFU Beedie offer hands-on learning opportunities that help students develop practical skills in leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Marketing Accelerator Program

Founded in 2019 and in partnership with SFU Beedie’s Career Management Centre, the SFU Marketing Accelerator Program (MAP) is a first-of-its-kind marketing development program for top-tier marketing students within SFU Beedie.

It is a competitive and fast-paced program, spanning only nine weeks in length throughout January to March. Participants are expected to dedicate roughly 10 hours in total a week to succeed in the program. To learn more, please refer to the Program Structure page.

Overall, MAP has been designed to help make an impact in the following areas:

  • Provide hands-on learning opportunities for top marketing students so that they feel confident and prepared to achieve their upcoming career goals
  • Connect companies and students through networking opportunities, fostering better understanding of culture-fit, career-alignment, and student potential

Past participants have landed multiple marketing positions in firms, and this network is continuing to grow.

Contact us

To contact us with any inquiries or concerns, please email busmap@sfu.ca.

We welcome both student inquiries and inquiries from firms looking to get involved with the program.

Apply to MAP

Applications for MAP 2025 will open on November 6 and close on November 13.

Register for the MAP 2025 Information Session, which will be held on November 5 from 6:30pm–7:30pm.

Register now

Let's connect

Whether you have ideas for our program or want to learn more about BUDP, we would love to hear from you!