Experiential learning programs

Building Skills, Shaping Leaders

These experiential learning and skills development programs at SFU Beedie offer hands-on learning opportunities that help students develop practical skills in leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Beedie Urban Development Program

The SFU Beedie Urban Development (BUDP) program offers undergraduate students a unique opportunity to explore the urban development and commercial real estate industry. With unprecedented population growth rates in Metro Vancouver and Canada, urban development and commercial real estate has become increasingly important in cities. The growth and importance of the industry has resulted in high demand for skilled workers (developers, asset managers, investment analysts, city planners, brokers, and more), presenting an opportunity for SFU Beedie students to shape the future of Canada's cities.

This program offers a select group of SFU Beedie Undergraduates the chance to explore the urban development and commercial real estate industry through in-depth, structured, and engaging curriculum delivered by experienced industry professionals. The BUDP is a student-led initiative that works in partnership with SFU Beedie's Career Management Centre with the goal of empowering and educating the next generation of urban development and commercial real estate professionals.

Contact us

To contact us with any inquiries or concerns, please email budp@sfu.ca.

We welcome both student inquiries and inquiries from firms looking to get involved with the program.

Apply to BUDP

The application for the 2024 cohort will open in March/April 2024.

How to apply

Let's connect

Whether you have ideas for our program or want to learn more about BUDP, we would love to hear from you!