Manuals – introductory essays


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Jones, J. W. (1956) The law and the legal theory of the Greeks: an introduction, Oxford.

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Lanni, A. (2018) “New directions in ancient Greek law research” in: Perlman, P. (ed) Ancient Greek law in the 21st century, 157-71, Austin, TX.

Lanni, A. (2013) “Law and democracy in classical Athens” in: Arnason, J., Raaflaub, K. & P. Wagner (eds) The Greek polis and the invention of democracy. A politico-cultural transformation and its interpretations, 163-80, London.

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Maffi, A. (2006a) “Gli studi di diritto greco” Dike 9, 7-22.

Maffi, A. (2006b) “Recht und Rechtsprechung in Sparta” in: Luther, A., Meier, M. & L. Thommen (eds) Das frühe Sparta, 63-72, Stuttgart.

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Taddei, A. (2016) «De la sociologie à l’anthropologie juridique. Les études de Louis Gernet sur le droit grec ancien» Metis 14, 281-97.

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Arnaoutoglou, I. N. (2023) “A prolonged birth of a concept: the unity of Greek law: Response to S. C. Todd” in: Symposion 2022, 285-92.

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Asper, M. (2004) “Law and logic: Towards an archaeology of abstract reason” AION 26, 73-94.

Avramovic, S. (2007) “Anglosaksonizacija antičkog grčkog prava” in: Zbornik radova Antika i savremeni svet, 11-20, Beograd.

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Batson, A. D. (2024) “Sinai and the Areopagus: Philip Melanchthon, natural law, and the beginnings of Athenian legal history in the shadow of the Schmalkaldic war” Journal of the History of Ideas 85, 713-48.

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Cohen, D. (1990) “Late sources and the ‘reconstruction’ of Greek legal institutions” in: Symposion 1988, 283-93.

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Fundamental principles


Legal concepts

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