NOMOI. Bibliography on ancient Greek law(s)

Additions January – June 2024






Bartzoka, A. (2020) «Désigner chez les orateurs attiques les discours des ambassadeurs ‘ratés’» Historika 10, 57-84.

Britt, E. C. (2024) «Dissoi Logoi: Speaking on both sides of a question» in: Mootz III, F. J., Davis, K. K., Larson, B. N. & K. K. Tiscione (eds) Classical rhetoric & contemporary law. A critical reader, 83-99, Tuscaloosa.

Calero Secall, I. (2007) «Los oradores áticos y algunos términos jurídicos: condicionamientos distribucionales y prefijales» Emerita 75/1, 113-36.

Canevaro, M. (2020) «The documents in the Attic orators: Early antiquarians and unintentional forgers» in: Gielen, E. & J. Papy (eds) Falsification and authority in antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 21-54, Turnhout.

Gagarin, M. (2024) “Nonverbal communication in Athenian forensic oratory” in: Serafim, A. & S. Papaioannou (eds) Nonverbal behavior in ancient literature. Athenian dialogues III, 139-50, Berlin.

Könczöl, M. (2024) “Arguments from fairness and extensive interpretation in Greek judicial rhetoric” Informal Logic 44, 1-18.

Kremmydas, Chr. (2024) “Proof, truth, and justice in the Epilogoi of Attic forensic speeches” in: Carey, Chr., Edwards, M. & B. Griffith-Williams (eds) Evidence and proof in ancient Greece, 198-216, Cambridge.

Redondo, J. (2020) «Notes sobre els oradors menors del segle IV a.C.: entre el món clàssic i l’hellenisme» Faventia 42, 33-45.



Kapparis, K. (2024) «The curious case Against Timarchus: Rhetoric and prejudice» in: Carey, Chr., Edwards, M. & Br. Griffith-Williams (eds) Evidence and proof in ancient Greece, 64-78, Cambridge.

Silvano, L. (2020) «Four forged orations by Aeschines, Demades and Demosthenes and their reception during the Renaissance» in: Gielen, E. & J. Papy (eds) Falsification and authority in antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 55-102, Turnhout.

Solti, D. & A. Efstathiou (2024) «Witness statements in the speeches of Aeschines: The evidence of the manuscript tradition» in: Carey, Chr., Edwards, M. & Br. Griffith-Williams (eds) Evidence and proof in ancient Greece, 79-87, Cambridge.

Westwood, G. (2023) «Imagining justice in the Athenian lawcourt: Aeschines and others» in: Clifford, E. & X. Buxton (eds) The imagination of the mind in classical Athens. Forms of thought, 151-72, London.





Gagarin, M. (2024) «Antiphon the Athenian: Probability arguments in ancient Greece and today» in: Mootz III, F. J., Davis, K. K., Larson, B. N. & K. K. Tiscione (eds) Classical rhetoric & contemporary law. A critical reader, 67-82, Tuscaloosa.





Adamidis, V. & L. A. Webb (2024) «Demosthenes: Founding principles – The role of tradition in persuasive argument» in: Mootz III, F. J., Davis, K. K., Larson, B. N. & K. K. Tiscione (eds) Classical rhetoric & contemporary law. A critical reader, 172-89, Tuscaloosa.

Aoiz, J. (2023) «El temor y la confianza de los ciudadanos: Aristóteles Retórica II y Demóstenes Contra Midias» Graecorromana 5, 31-52.

Apostolakis, K. (2024) «Witness evidence and rhetoric in Dem. 57 Appeal against Eubulides» in: Carey, Chr., Edwards, M. & Br. Griffith-Williams (eds) Evidence and proof in ancient Greece, 159-71, Cambridge.

Choustoulaki, G. (2023) «Constructing the sycophant: The case of Theocrines» New Classicists 8, 39-61.

Daix, D.-A. (2023) Démosthène. Sur les forfaitures de l’ambassade, 2 vols, Bordeaux.

Daix, D.-A. (2020) «Herodotus 1.66 and Demosthenes 19.231: The case against euthēneomai/eutheneomai» CQ 70, 161-70.

Lentakis, V. (2024) «Resuffling the evidence: A reading of Demosthenes 24 Against Conon» in: Carey, Chr., Edwards, M. & Br. Griffith-Williams (eds) Evidence and proof in ancient Greece, 55-63, Cambridge.

Papathomas, Amf. & R. Hatzilambrou (2021) To sōma tōn attikōn klēronomikōn logōn: hoi akeraia sōzōmenoi logoi, Athena.

Silvano, L. (2020) «Four forged orations by Aeschines, Demades and Demosthenes and their reception during the Renaissance» in: Gielen, E. & J. Papy (eds) Falsification and authority in antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 55-102, Turnhout.

Voemel, J. T. (1841-1844) Die Echtheit der Urkunden in des Demosthenes Rede vom Kranze verteidigt gegen Herrn Prof. Droysen, Frankfurt.

Volonaki, E. (2023) A commentary on Apollodorus’ Against Evergus and Mnesibulus: a case of false witness, Newcastrle-upon-Tyne.



Horváth, L. (2024) «The ultimate evidence: Hypereides in defence of Phryne: Notes for the new critical edition of the fragments» in: Carey, Chr., Edwards, M. & B. Griffith-Williams (eds) Evidence and proof in ancient Greece, 184-97, Cambridge.

Horváth, L. (2022) «Neuere Überlegungen zu Hypereides’ Rede gegen Demosthenes im Spiegel der Textkritik. Ein philologisches ‘Wiederaufnahmeverfahren’ über col. XXVIII sqq.» Acta Antiqua 62, 131-44.

Scheibelreiter, Ph. (2019) “Aristoteles vor dem Prätor: Von der Ethik der Einrede” in: Vienna Law Inauguration Lectures 4, 31-84, Wien.

Guicharousse, R. (2024) “Les étrangers étaient-ils inférieurs aux citoyens? La balade d’Athénogénès l’Égyptien sur l’Agora?” in: Siron, N. (ed) Nouvelle histoire d’Athènes. La cité vue de l’Agora, Ve-IVe siècle av. J.-C., 87-106, Paris.



Edwards, M. (2024) “Oral and written evidence in the speeches of Isaeus” in: Carey, Chr., Edwards, M. & Br. Griffith-Williams (eds) Evidence and proof in ancient Greece, 16-27, Cambridge.

Papathomas, Amf. & R. Hatzilambrou (2021) To sōma tōn attikōn klēronomikōn logōn: hoi akeraia sōzōmenoi logoi, Athena.



Bouchet, Chr. (2011) “Le vocabulaire du commandement chez Isocrate” Ktèma 36, 185-209.

Papathomas, Amf. & R. Hatzilambrou (2021) To sōma tōn attikōn klēronomikōn logōn: hoi akeraia sōzōmenoi logoi, Athena.

Sciullo, N. J. & G. A. Meyer (2024) “Isocrates: Fear of the ‘Other’ in classical and modern times” in: Mootz III, F. J., Davis, K. K., Larson, B. N. & K. K. Tiscione (eds) Classical rhetoric & contemporary law. A critical reader, 100-17, Tuscaloosa.





Piovan, D. (2010) “Vergogna e desiderio in tribunale. L'orazione ‘Contro Simone’ di Lisia” in: de Poli, M. (ed) Maschile e femminile: genere ed eros nel mondo greco (Atti del Convegno - Università degli Studi di Padova, 22-23 ottobre 2009), 107-17, Padova.





Baker, Ch. (2021) “Disobedience in the courtroom: Iliad 18.497-508” Yearbook of ancient Greek Epic 5, 1-24.

Hütwohl. D. J. (2023) “A defense of ‘blood-price in Pindar fr. 133 (Maehler). Poinē in Homer, Aeschylus, the Orphic fragments and Pindar” SO 97, 2-32.

Kaluđerović, Z. V. (2020) “Kreiranje pravde i prava kroz sučeljavanie predstava Odiseja i prosaca” (Creating justice and law through the juxtaposition of the presentations of Odysseus and the suitors) Glasnik Advokatske Komore Voivodine 92, 471-82.

Kaluđerović, Z. V. (2019) “Najstarije predstavljanje pravde” (The oldest presenting of justice) Glasnik Advokatske Komore Voivodine 91, 440-53.

Levin, I. (2023) “Legal death and Odysseus’ kingship” CQ 73, 508-19.

Lévy, Ed. (2010) “Le système politique de l’IliadeKtèma 35, 339-67.



Kaluđerović, Z. V. (2020) “Uoblicavanje ideje pravde u ‘Poemi o pravdi’” (The formulation of the idea of justice) Glasnik Advokatske Komore Vojvodine 92, 727-41.



Nikolarea, Ek. (2023) “Athenian law and classical Greek tragedy: The case of Oedipus the king” Law & Literature 35, 411-34.

Paduano, G. (2018) “Colpa e diritto nella produzione tragica del V secolo sul mito dei Sette a Tebe” Dioniso 8, 5-31.



Hütwohl. D. J. (2023) “A defense of ‘blood-price in Pindar fr. 133 (Maehler). Poinē in Homer, Aeschylus, the Orphic fragments and Pindar” SO 97, 2-32.

de Poli, M. (2023) „Aeschylus and the Eleusinian mysteries: Further sources for a famous‘ accusation?“ in: Christopoulos, M., Meyer, M. & A. Papachrysostomou (eds) Unveiling the hidden face of antiquity. Mysteries and cryptic cults, 27-38, Wien.

Pucci, L. (2024) „Del delitto e delle pene di un matricida. Oreste tra phonos ekousios e phonos dikaiosLexis 42, 37-62.



Baconicola, Ch. (2018) «Dēmokratia kai koinē gnōmē ston Euripidē» in: Altouva, A. & K. Diamantakou (eds) Theatro kai dēmokratia: me aphormē tēn synplērosē 40 chronōn apo tēn apokatastasē tēs dēmokratias aphierōmeno ston Valter Pouchner (Praktika E’ theatrologikou synedriou, Kentriko ktirio Panepistēmiou Athēnōn, 5-8 Noemvriou 2014), II, 147-59, Athēna.





Cody, A. (2021) «The porous ‘polis’: a critique of democracy in Old Comedy» Rhetorica 39, 9-35.





Brown, M. (2023) «Ostracism in Menander’s Samia» CQ 73, 466-9.



Dvorak, S. (2024) “Questions of the effect of the law in the views of the philosophers of ancient Greece and ancient Rome” Analytical and Comparative Jurisprudence 1, 38-42. (In Ukrainian)

Kaluđerović, Z. V., Jašić, O. & Z. Kaluđerović-Mijartorić (2022) “Dike – slijedenje ethosa i nomosa” (Dike- Following ethos and nomos) Ziva Bastina 25, 72-81.

Kaluđerović, Z. V. (2013) Presocratic understanding of justice, Novi Sad.

Meneses, Th. S. (2021) “Analise des argumentos jurídicos presentes no ‘Palamedes’ de Górgias” Prometeus Filosofia 36, 191-207.

Rossetti, L. (2023) “Antilogies in ancient Athens: An inventory and appraisal” Humanities 12/5, 106

Schubert, Ch. (2017) “Heraklit und die ionischen Isonomien” in: Fantino, E., Muss, U., Schubert, Ch. & K. Sier (eds) Heraklit im Kontext, 129-50, Berlin.


Aristotle – see also International Aristotle Bibliography

Aoiz, J. (2023) «El temor y la confianza de los ciudadanos. Aristóteles Retórica II y Demóstenes Contra Midias» Graecorromana 5, 31-52.

Buarque, L. (2022) “Koinà tà phílon: afeiçao e propriedade na crítica de Aristóteles à República de Platão” in: Bitencourt Haddad, A. & C. Araújo (eds) A República de Platão. Companion em homenagem a Maria das Graças de Moraes Augusto, 281-310, Rio de Janeiro.

Buekenhout, Br. (2018) «Aristotle’s 'On Kingship’ and euergetism» in: Roskam, G. & St. Schorn (eds) Concepts of ideal rulership from Antiquity to the Renaissance, 91-121, Turnhout.

Collins, S. D. (2002) «The problem of law in Aristotle’s Politics: A response to Quentin Taylor» Interpretation 29, 261-4.

Dragōna-Monachou, M. (2018) «Mporoume na milame gia anthrōpina dikaiōmata ston Aristotelē;» in: Aristotelēs. Paideia, politismos, politikē (Panellēnio Epistēmoniko Symposio, 18-19-20 Noemvriou 2016), 71-88, Thessaloniki.

Ferraioli, F. (2014) «Riflessioni su Aristotele, fr. 483 Rose» Rationes Rerum 3, 73-92.

Franeta, D. (2011) “Jurisprudence, legal ethics and virtue” Ethike 8, 46-67.

Gastaldi, S. (2019) “Amicizia politica e concordia in Platone e in Aristotele” Antiquorum Philosophia 13, 45-72.

Gastaldi, S. (2016) “Aristotele e il ‘giusto politico’: tra legge e natura” Antiquorum Philosophia 10, 109-22.

Garver, E. (2024) “Aristotle: Persuasion and practical reason” in: Mootz III, F. J., Davis, K. K., Larson, B. N. & K. K. Tiscione (eds) Classical rhetoric & contemporary law. A critical reader, 136-53, Tuscaloosa.

Huigens, K. (2004) “On Aristotelian criminal law: A reply to Duff” NotreDame Journal of Law and Ethics 18, 465-99.

Karassis, M. D. (2018) “Hē theōria tou Aristotelous peri dikaiosynēs, idiōs tēs dikaiikēs dikaiosynēs” in: Aristotelēs. Paideia, politismos, politikē (18-19-20 Noemvriou 2016), 25-43, Thessaloniki.

Maffi, A. (2023) “La costituzione tirannica nella Politica di Aristotele” in: Freund, St. (ed) Institutionalisierung und Wandel von Herrschaft. Organisation, Strukturen und Zentralisierung. Festschrift für Martin Dreher, 57-80, Stuttgart.

Masi, Fr. (2016) “’Come un architteto sta a un calzolaio’: la nozione aristotelica di giustizia commutative” Antiquorum Philosophia 10, 123-49.

Polito, M. (2022) “Las ‘otras Politeiai’ aristotélicas” Araucaria 24.49, 413-25.

Ranney, Fr. J. (2005) Aristotle’s ethics and legal rhetoric. An analysis of language, beliefs and the law, London.

Rus Rufino, S. & Ed. Fernández García (2021) “El régimen mixto como solución a las crisis políticas en la Antigüedad: tres ejemplos Aristóteles, Polibio y Cicerón” Studia Philologica Valentina 23, 127-52.

Sänger, P. (2024) “Aristoteles und die semantische Entwicklung des Begriffs politeuma” in: Killen, S., Scheuble-Reiter, S. & St. Schmidt (eds) Caput studiorum. Festschrift für Rudolph Haensch zu seinem 65. Geburtstag, 409-19, Wiesbaden.

Scheibelreiter, Ph. (2019) “Aristoteles vor dem Prätor: Von der Ethik der Einrede” in: Vienna Law Inauguration Lectures 4, 31-84, Wien.

Schellens, M. S. (1959) «Aristotle on natural law» Natural Law Forum 4, 72-100.

Viano, Cr. (2017) “Les émotions au tribunal: théorie et mode d’emploi (Aristote, Rhet. III)” Antiquorum Philosophia 11, 77-92.

Voegelin, E. (1999) “Natural Law and Aristotle: What is Right by Nature?” in: Anamnesis: On the Theory of History and Politics, Columbia, MO. (Collected Works of Eric Voegelin 6)


Plato - see also International Plato Society

Annas, J. (2024) “The Guardians and the Law in Plato’s Republic” in: Keyt, D. & Chr. Shields (eds) Principles and Praxis in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy in Honor of Fred D. Miller, Jr., 99-113, Cham.

Araújo, C. (2022) “Governo, prudência e serenidade: justiça na República” in: Bitencourt Haddad, A. & C. Araújo (eds) A República de Platão. Companion em homenagem a Maria das Graças de Moraes Augusto, 487-510, Rio de Janeiro.

Berges, S. (2010) “Understanding the role of the Laws in Plato’s StatesmanProlegomena 9/1, 5-23.

Brisson, L. (2021) “Women in Plato’s Republic” in: Orden Jiménez, R. V., Bernabé Pajares, A. & I. Pajón Leyra (eds) La filosofia griega y su legado. Homenaje a Tomás Calvo Martínez, 195-204, Madrid.

Buarque, L. (2022) “Koinà tà phílon: afeiçao e propriedade na crítica de Aristóteles à República de Platão” in: Bitencourt Haddad, A. & C. Araújo (eds) A República de Platão. Companion em homenagem a Maria das Graças de Moraes Augusto, 281-310, Rio de Janeiro.

Calero Secall, I. (2011a) «Las Leyes de Platón: afinidades con las prescripciones de Gortina sobre el matrimonio» in: Pérez Jiménez, A. & I. Calero Secall (eds) Δῶρον Μνημοσύνης. Miscelánea de estudios ofrecidos a Mª Ángeles Durán López, 91-102, Zaragoza.

Calero Secall, I. (2011b) «Disposiciones legales sobre sepulcros, capillas y entierros en las Leyes de Platón» in: Macías, C. & S. Nuñez (eds) Virtuti Magistri Honos. Studia Graecolatina A. Alberte septuagesimo anno dicata, 59-73, Zaragoza.

Catana, L. (2021) “Two theories of natural justice in Plato’s GorgiasElenchos 42, 209-28.

Cornelli, G. & M. Rosane (2022) “The women’s law (tou gynaikeiou nomos) in the Kallipolis of Plato’s RepublicAreté 34, 107-27.

Fossati, M. (2022) “Socrates’ defence of justice in the Republic: The dialogical dynamic and the importance of consequences of justice” Plato Journal 23, 51-65.

Giménez Salinas, J. A. (2021) „Gesetz und Mimesis im Politikos” in: Pfefferkorn, J., & A. Spinelli (eds) Platonic Mimesis Revisited, 313-33, Baden-Baden.

Hannan, N. (2021) “Knowledge and voluntary injustice in the Hippias MinorApeiron 54, 545-69.

Johnson-Sheehan, R. (2021) “Who was Callicles? Exploring four relationships between rhetoric and justice in Plato’s GorgiasPhilosophy and Rhetoric 54, 263-88.

Jorgenson, Ch. (2021) “Oligarchy and the tripartite soul in Plato’s RepublicApeiron 54, 59-88.

Kalachanis, K. (2014) “Opseis tēs dikaiosynēs stēn platōnikē PoliteiaEthike 10, 58-66.

Kaluđerović, Z. V. (2002) “Forms of constitution in Plato’s PoliticusGodišnjak Filosofskog Fakulteta u Novom Sadu 30, 335-48.

Kurihara, Y. (2022) “‘Rule of Man’ and ‘Rule of Law’ in Plato’s StatesmanThe Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 518-9, 33-64. (in Japanese)

Marino, S. (2019) “Platão e a ‘Constituição dos Atenienses’ de pseudo-Xenofonte sobre a liberdade e os desejos” Prometeus Filosofia 31, 73-89.

Meyer, S. S. (2021a) “Civic freedom in Plato’s LawsPolis (Exeter) 38, 512-34.

Meyer, S. S. (2021b) “Involuntary wrongdoing and responsibility in Plato” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103, 228-33.

Olbrich, A. (2021) “Platons Philosophie der Stasis. Antike Lehren zum Verständnis innerstaatlicher Konflikte” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69, 365-82.

Serafim, A. (2023) “Accusing the accusers: Invective, identity, and ‘triangulated relations’ in Plato’s Apology of SocratesNuntius Antiquus 19/2, 147-90.

Sørensen, A. D. (2022) “The second best city and its laws in Plato’s StatesmanArchiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104, 1-25.

Tiscione, K. K. (2024) “Plato: Legal argument as the distortion of reality” in: Mootz III, F. J., Davis, K. K., Larson, B. N. & K. K. Tiscione (eds) Classical rhetoric & contemporary law. A critical reader, 118-35, Tuscaloosa.

Weiss, R. (2022a) “Cephalus, Polemarchus, and Socrates on justice” in: Bloom, D., Bloom, L. & M. Byrd (eds) Knowing and being in ancient philosophy, 221-35, London.

Weiss, R. (2022b) “Good for anything? Justice in Plato’s Republic II” Ancient Philosophy 42, 83-103.

Zygmuntowisc, D. (2023) “Platońska pochwała pisma w kontekście prawodawczym” (Plato’s praise of writing in the context of law) Meander 78, 71-88.



see also Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum



Daix, D.-A. (2020) «Herodotus 1.66 and Demosthenes 19.231: The case against euthēneomai/eutheneomai» CQ 70, 161-70.



Lintott, A. (1993) “Civil strife and human nature” in: Molyneux, J. H. (ed) Literary responses to civil discord, 25-32, Nottingham. (= Bispham, E. H. & J. A. Rosenblitt (eds) (2023) Violence, justice, and law in classical antiquity. Collected papers of Andrew Lintott, 530-8, Leiden)

Robertson, E. (2019) “‘Nomos’ y ‘physis’: de la ley tradicional y la naturaleza en el mundo de estados de Tucídides” Iter 25, 125-51.

Vujčić, N. (2022) “The twenty thousand slaves of Thuc. 7.25.5” ZAnt 72, 91-100.

Wallace, R. W. (2023) “Statute nomoi in Thucydides” in: Symposion 2022, 113-30.



Marino, S. (2019) “Platão e a ‘Constituição dos Atenienses’ de pseudo-Xenofonte sobre a liberdade e os desejos” Prometeus Filosofia 31, 73-89.




Other literary sources

Andujar, J. & Chr. Bouchet (2019) “Le contrôle de la parole dans la cité assiégée selon Énée le Tacticien (IVe siècle av. J.-C.)” in: Cronier, E. & B. Deruelle (eds) Argumenter en guerre: Discours de guerre, sur la guerre et dans la guerre de l'Antiquité à nos jours, 237-52, Villeneuve-d’Ascq.

Cunha Corêa, P. de Cunha (2022) “Tiranos, monarcas e lobos em Arquíloco, Semónides e Alceu” in: Bitencourt Haddad, A. & C. Araújo (eds) A República de Platão. Companion em homenagem a Maria das Graças de Moraes Augusto, 461-86, Rio de Janeiro.

Hütwohl. D. J. (2023) “A defense of ‘blood-price in Pindar fr. 133 (Maehler). Poinē in Homer, Aeschylus, the Orphic fragments and Pindar” SO 97, 2-32.

Pucci, L. (2021) “Riflessioni e ipotesi su giustizia retributive, contaminazione e purificazione nell’ ‘Orestea’ di Stesicoro” Vichiana 58, 11-35.


Inscriptions – see also:


Texts and literature: Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum

Faguer, J. (2023) «Patra et phratrie à Ténos. Une nouvelle lecture de la loi d’admission IG xii Suppl. 303» Ktèma 48, 191-204.

Flament, Chr. (2023) “Retour sur la ‘loi navale’ assignée à Thémistocle” LEC 91, 157-89.

Hatzopoulos, M. B. & M. Mari (2023) “A new deed of sale from Amphipolis (MA Λ918)” MedAnt 26, 169-78.

Lazar, L. (2023) «An imagined and imagining dēmos in Athenian public inscription» in: Clifford, E. & X. Buxton (eds) The imagination of the mind in classical Athens. Forms of thought, 126-48, London.

Trevett, J. (2023) “The status of Epikerdes of Cyrene and the enigma of IG I3 125” ZPE 227, 113-8.


Manuals – introductory essays

Harris, E. M. (2024) “Unity and diversity in ancient Greek law” in: Buraselis, K., Muller, Chr. & Th. Heine Nielsen (eds) Unity and diversity in ancient Greece: Reflections on the occasion of the 2500th anniversary of the battle of Plataiai, 129-57, Kopenhagen.

Marcu, L. P. (2005) “Dreptul antic Grecesc” Studii de Drept Romanesc 17/50, 475-83.

Whitaker, F. E. (1905) “The study of old Greek law” Green Bag 17, 95-97.



Arnaoutoglou, I. N. (2023) “A prolonged birth of a concept: the unity of Greek law: Response to S. C. Todd” in: Symposion 2022, 285-92.

Todd, S. C. (2023) “The discovery of the Gortyn Code and nineteenth-century debates over the unity of Greek law” in: Symposion 2022, 263-84.




Fundamental principles

Legal concepts

Andujar, J. & Chr. Bouchet (2019) “Le contrôle de la parole dans la cité assiégée selon Énée le Tacticien (IVe siècle av. J.-C.)” in: Cronier, E. & B. Deruelle (eds) Argumenter en guerre: Discours de guerre, sur la guerre et dans la guerre de l'Antiquité à nos jours, 237-52, Villeneuve-d’Ascq.

Campa, N. T. (2024) Freedom and power in classical Athens, Cambridge.

Gottesman, A. (2021) “The concept of isēgoriaPolis (Exeter) 38, 175-98.

Ismard, P. (2019) “Intolerance and freedom of thought in classical Athens: the trial of Socrates” in: van Kooten, G. & J. van Ruiten (eds) Intolerance, polemics and debate in antiquity: politico-cultural, philosophical, and religious forms of critical conversation, 159-85, Leiden.

Marino, S. (2020) “Isegoria e parrhesia: da liberdade de falar como fundamento da democracia ao falar livremente como fundamento da filosofia. Comunidade política e comunidade filosófica nos séculos V e IV a.C.” in: Sidnei Pagotto-Euzebio, M. & R. de Almeida (eds) O mundo antigo, o livre falar e o livre pensar, 89-121, São Paulo.

McCoy, Ch. N. R. (1947) “Democracy and the rule of law” The Modern Schoolman 25, 1-10.

Meyer, S. S. (2021) “Civic freedom in Plato’s LawsPolis (Exeter) 38, 512-34.

Schubert, Ch. (2023) “Ordnung und Gemeinsinn. Die Entstehung der Isonomie” in: Freund, St. (ed) Institutionalisierung und Wandel von Herrschaft. Organisation, Strukturen und Zentralisierung. Festschrift für Martin Dreher, 41-56, Stuttgart.

Schubert, Ch. (2017) “Heraklit und die ionischen Isonomien” in: Fantino, E., Muss, U., Schubert, Ch. & K. Sier (eds) Heraklit im Kontext, 129-50, Berlin.


Dispute settlement and litigation

Seelentag, G. (2019) “Konfliktregulierung im archaischen Griechenland zwischen Prinzipien- und Regelorientierung” in: Hölkeskamp, K.-J., Hoffmann-Salz, J., Kostopoulos, K. & S. Lentzsch (eds) Die Grenzen des Prinzips. Die Infragestellung von Werten durch Regelverstöße in antiken Gesellschaften, 25-46, Stuttgart.


Origins of law

Afanasevskiy, V. L. (2023) “Social and cultural foundations of the genesis and formation of ancient Greek quasi-legal concepts” Vestnik Samarskogo Iuridicheskogo Instituta 3/54, 9-16. (in Russian)

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Writing and codification

Zygmuntowisc, D. (2023) “Platońska pochwała pisma w kontekście prawodawczym” (Plato’s praise of writing in the context of law) Meander 78, 71-88.


Themis, Dike, Thesmos, Nomos, Psephisma


Law and legislators





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Interpretation of laws


Human and fundamental rights

Dragōna-Monachou, M. (2018) «Mporoume na milame gia anthrōpina dikaiōmata ston Aristotelē;» in: Aristotelēs. Paideia, politismos, politikē (Panellēnio Epistēmoniko Symposio, 18-19-20 Noemvriou 2016), 71-88, Thessaloniki.

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Relation of Greek laws to other legal systems

Lindsay, H. (1999) “Adoption in Greek law. Some comparisons with the Roman world” Newcastle Law Review 3/2, 91-110.

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Conflict of laws


Justice and law

Chroust, A.-H. (1946) “The function of law and justice in the ancient world and the Middle Ages” Journal for the History of Ideas 7, 231-6.

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Natural law

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Legal terminology

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Civic subdivisions

Antonetti, C. (1999) «Les A(f)oreis: groupes civiques et syggeneiai de la tradition doreinne» in: Cabanes, P. (ed) L’Illyrie méridionale et l’Épire dans l’Antiquité – III (Actes du IVe colloque international de Chantilly (16-19 octobre 1996), 367-72, Paris.

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Basileia (Kingship)

Buekenhout, Br. (2018) «Aristotle’s 'On Kingship’ and euergetism» in: Roskam, G. & St. Schorn (eds) Concepts of ideal rulership from Antiquity to the Renaissance, 91-121, Turnhout.

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Oligarchia (Oligarchy)

Ostwald, M. (2000) “Oligarchy and oligarchs in ancient Greece” in: Polis and Politics, 385-96.


Demokratia (Democracy)

Carugati, F. & J. Ober (2024) “Democratic collapse and recovery in ancient Athens (413-403 BCE)” in: Fung, A., Moss, D. & O. A. Westad (eds) When democracy breaks. Studies in democratic erosion and collapse from ancient Athens to the present day, 25-42, Oxford.

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Tyrannis (Tyranny)

Anderson, G. (2021) “Tyranny and social ontology in classical Athens” in: Lewis, S. (ed) Tyranny, new contexts, 13-35, Besançon.

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Merrit, B. D. (1967) “Collectors of Athenian tribute” AJPh 88, 29-32.


Nomothesia (Legislation)

Canevaro, M. (2023) “La sovranità della legge come criterio di giudizio costituzionale – tra democrazia e oligarchia: Risposta a Robert Wallace” in: Symposion 2022, 131-42.

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Wallace, R. W. (2023) “Statute nomoi in Thucydides” in: Symposion 2022, 113-30.


Stasis, exile, reconciliation

Castañeda, F. (2020) “La paz de la guerra justa desde Tucídides el conflicto interno de Corcira” in: Forero Alvarez, R. et al. (eds) La paz: perspectivas antiguas sobre un tema actual, 223-44, Chia.

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Brown, M. (2023) «Ostracism in Menander’s Samia» CQ 73, 466-9.


Polis finances, taxation, coinage

Bulycheva, E. V. (2024) “The collecting of the eisphora in Attica of the second half of the IV century BC according to the lease agreements of temenos” Vestnik Archivista 2024/1, 154-65. (in Russian)

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Futo Kennedy, R. (2024) “Strategies of disenfranchisement: ‘Citizen’ women, minor heirs and the precarity of status in Attic oratory” in: Gartland, S. D. & D. W. Tandy (eds) Voiceless, invisible, and countless in ancient Greece. The experience of subordinates, 700-300 BCE, 265-90, Oxford.

Trevett, J. (2023) “The status of Epikerdes of Cyrene and the enigma of IG I3 125” ZPE 227, 113-8.


Age classes



Kapparis, K. (2024) «Citizenship in Athenian law and society» in: Garcia Cabeza, M. & Th. Faist (eds) Encyclopedia of Citizenship Studies, 18-24, London.

Müller, Chr. (2023) «The uses of trigonia: Descent, citizenship, and freeborn status in Greek cities from Pericles to Marcus Aurelius» in: Symposion 2022, 379-406.

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Metics (Resident foreigners)

Eremin, A. (2002) “Settlements of Spartan perioikoi: poleis or kōmai?” in: Powell, A. & St. Hodkinson (eds) Sparta. Beyond the mirage, 267-83, Cardiff.

Meyer, E. A. (2023) “Metics and freedmen: Conflicts of social and juridical status in the Classical and Hellenistic Greek world” American Journal of Legal History 63, 82-96.

Tuci, P. A. (2023) «La crusca e la farina. Attualita del pensiero di Philippe Gauthier sui meteci» Dike 26, 101-26.

Wijma, S. (2024) “Spoken from the grave: the construction of social identities on the funerary monuments of metics in classical Athens” in: Gartland, S. D. & D. W. Tandy (eds) Voiceless, invisible, and countless in ancient Greece. The experience of subordinates, 700-300 BCE, 207-42, Oxford.



Guicharousse, R. (2024) “Les étrangers étaient-ils inférieurs aux citoyens? La balade d’Athénogénès l’Égyptien sur l’Agora?” in: Siron, N. (ed) Nouvelle histoire d’Athènes. La cité vue de l’Agora, Ve-IVe siècle av. J.-C., 87-106, Paris.

Zunino, M. L. (2023) “Pronunciamento per gli Elei” Axon 7/2, 7-54.



Meyer, E. A. (2023) “Metics and freedmen: Conflicts of social and juridical status in the Classical and Hellenistic Greek world” American Journal of Legal History 63, 82-96.



see also Bibliographie zur antiken Sklaverei

Birgalias, N. (2002) «Helotage and Spartan social organization» in: Powell, A. & St. Hodkinson (eds) Sparta. Beyond the mirage, 249-66, Cardiff.

Ducat, J. (1993) «L’esclavage collectif en Illyrie. À la recherche d’un hilotisme barbare» in: Cabanes, P. (ed) L’Illyrie méridionale et l’Épire dans l’Antiquité – II (Actes du IIe colloque international de Clermont-Ferrand (25-27 octobre 1990), 211-7, Paris.

Forsdyke, S. (2024) “How to find a new master: The agency of enslaved persons in ancient Greece” in: Gartland, S. D. & D. W. Tandy (eds) Voiceless, invisible, and countless in ancient Greece. The experience of subordinates, 700-300 BCE, 184-206, Oxford.

Gligic, S. (2017) «Torture of slaves as a universal trajectory of Roman and Greek law» Jus Romanum 2017/2, 340-55.

Guijarro Ruano, P. & F. García Romero (2020) «Ciudades esclavos en el mundo antiguo: ¿realidad o ficción?» DHA 46, 69-95.

Lewis, D. (2024) «The local slave systems of ancient Greece» in: Tandy, D. & S. Gartland (eds) Voiceless, invisible, and countless in ancient Greece. The experience of subordinates, 700-300 BCE, 155-83, Oxford.

Lewis, D. (2023) «Did serfdom exist in Classical and Hellenistic Crete?» in Symposion 2022, 225-52.

Maffi, A. (2023) «Il matrimonio degli schiavi nel Codice di Gortina: Risposta a D. M. Lewis» in: Symposion 2022, 253-62.

Pearson, C. G. (2023) «New evidence for slave names and social mobility in archaic Greece» in: Benefiel, R. & C. R. Keesling (eds) Inscriptions and the epigraphic habit. The epigraphic culture of Greece, Rome, and beyond, 257-73, Leiden.

Rocca, Fr. (2015) “La liberazione degli scavi e il teatro” Epigraphica 77, 9-37.

Sanz, A. S. (2023) “Ni ciudadanos, ni siquiera helenos: esclavos públicos escitas a cargo de la seguridad (“eukosmia”) en la Atenas del s. V a.C.” Anales de historia antigua, medieval y moderna 57, 328.

Tridimas, G. (2023) “Choice of slavery institutions in ancient Greece: Athenian chattels and Spartan helots” Journal of Institutional Economics 19/6, 820-36.

Vujčić, N. (2022) “The twenty thousand slaves of Thuc. 7.25.5” ZAnt 72, 91-100.


Women and law

see also

Brisson, L. (2021) “Women in Plato’s Republic” in: Orden Jiménez, R. V., Bernabé Pajares, A. & I. Pajón Leyra (eds) La filosofia griega y su legado. Homenaje a Tomás Calvo Martínez, 195-204, Madrid.

Castiglioni, M. P. (2019) La donna greca, Bologna.

Sebillote Cuchet, V. (2024) “Les femmes à Athènes: une vie de réserve et de discrétion? Des citoyennes sur la place publique” in: Siron, N. (ed) Nouvelle histoire d’Athènes. La cité vue de l’Agora, Ve-IVe siècle av. J.-C., 107-30, Paris.



see also Copenhagen Association Project


Family and inheritance

de Bechillon, M. (2013) “Violences familiales dans l’Antiquité grecque: Permanence d’un questionnement juridique” Anabases 17, 243-8.

Griffith-Williams, B. (2024) “The evidential value of religious observance in Athenian inheritance disputes” in: Carey, Chr., Edwards, M. & B. Griffith-Williams (eds) Evidence and proof in ancient Greece, 172-83, Cambridge.









Calero Secall, I. (2011) «Las Leyes de Platón: afinidades con las prescripciones de Gortina sobre el matrimonio» in: Pérez Jiménez, A. & I. Calero Secall (eds) Δῶρον Μνημοσύνης. Miscelánea de estudios ofrecidos a Mª Ángeles Durán López, 91-102, Zaragoza.

Maffi, A. (2023) «Il matrimonio degli schiavi nel Codice di Gortina: Risposta a D. M. Lewis» in: Symposion 2022, 253-62.





Bonnard, J.-B. & C. Noûs (2021) «Le divorce dans l’Antiquité classique: perspective comparatiste» Genre & Histoire 28 [En ligne]. URL:





Lindsay, H. (1999) “Adoption in Greek law. Some comparisons with the Roman world” Newcastle Law Review 3/2, 91-110.




Succession ab intestato




Contractual and property relations

Figueira, Th. J. (1984) “The Lipari islanders and their system of communal property” ClAnt 3, 179-206.









Hatzopoulos, M. B. & M. Mari (2023) “A new deed of sale from Amphipolis (MA Λ918)” MedAnt 26, 169-78.




Mortgages and securities

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Other kinds of contracts

McArthur, M. (2023) “Apprenticeship in Classical Athens” CQ 73, 462-5.

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Trade and finance


Commercial law

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Maritime law





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Procedures (DikaiGraphai)

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Procedures (Extraordinary)

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Famous trials

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Torture (Basanos)

Adamidis, V. (2019) “The rhetorical use of torture in Attic forensic oratory” Rhetorica 37, 16-34.

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Crime and punishment

Huigens, K. (2004) “On Aristotelian criminal law: A reply to Duff” NotreDame Journal of Law and Ethics 18, 465-99.

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Sexual offences

Espach, V. (2018) Formen und Kontexte sexueller Gewalt gegen Männer in der Antike, München.




Other offences

Volonaki, E. (2021) “The rhetoric of wounding” Rhet & Sci 1, 7-24.






Confiscation of property


Death penalty

Carlà-Uhink, F. (2021) «Ein Schierlingsbecher oder ein Sprung ins Barathron? Hinrichtungsformen im klassischen Athen» HZ 312/2, 295-331.

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Environment and law


Religion and law

Ford, J. C. (2024) Atheism in the Agora. A history of unbelief in ancient Greek polytheism, London.


Asebeia (Impiety)

Mogyoródi, E. (2019) «Impiety and versions of rationalization of religion in classical Greece» in: Roubekas, N. P. (ed) Theorizing ‘religion’ in antiquity, 103-28, Sheffield.

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Asylia (Inviolability)


Defixiones (Curses)


Leges sacrae – ritual norms see also


Inter-poleis relations

Kleinman, B. (2011) “The union of Corinth and Argos: Foreign policy, citizenship and ethnicity” Hirundo 9, 33-55.

Lytje, M. (2018) On the justice and justification of just war: how does life dwell in the state?, Berlin.

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Thomas, D. (2024) “Intrasigence and compromise in Atheno-Theban diplomacy in the early 360s” Historia 73, 2-37.

Tuplin, Chr. (1982) The date of the union of Corinth and Argos” CQ 34, 75-83.

Whitby, M. (1984) “The union of Corinth and Argos: A reconsideration” Historia 33, 295-308.

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Magnetto, A. (2023) «Le leggi civiche e gli ambasciatori nel mondo greco di età classica ed ellenistica» in: Symposion 2022, 179-212.


International arbitration


Leagues - Federations

Bouchet, Chr. (2011) “Le vocabulaire du commandement chez Isocrate” Ktèma 36, 185-209.

Ferraioli, F. (2014) «Riflessioni su Aristotele, fr. 483 Rose» Rationes Rerum 3, 73-92.

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Metropoleis and colonies

Figueira, Th. J. (1984) “The Lipari islanders and their system of communal property” ClAnt 3, 179-206.

Melocco, M. (2024) «Problèmes de la terre dans les colonies d’Athènes aux époques classique et hellénistique» RÉG 137, 1-39.


Proxenia – see also

Maffi, A. (2023) “Proxenoi e asylia nei Symbola di Gauthier” Dike 26, 45-100.


Treaties – Symbola

Faraguna, M. (2023) “Atene, gli alleati e l’impero: symbolai e symbola tra V e IV secolo” Dike 26, 127-62.

Frölich, P. (2023) “1972-2022: conception, réception et portée des Symbola de Philippe Gauthier” Dike 26, 9-43.

Garlan, Y. (1975) “Alliance entre les Iasiens et Ptolémée IerZPE 18, 193-8.

Giovannini, A. (2004) “Le traité entre Iasos et Ptolémée Ier et les relations entre les cités grecques d’Asie mineure et les souverains hellénistiques” EA 75, 69-87.

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Loddo, L. (2023) “Rules for the reception of exiles in the treaty between Sinope and Heraclea Pontica (I.Sinope 1)” CQ 73, 90-100.

Müller, Chr. (2023) “Περὶ τῶν συμβολῶν. La question de l'isopoliteia chez Philippe Gauthier” Dike 26, 163-93.

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