. S P A T I A L . A N A L Y S I S .


Programs Used:
IDRISI Kilimanjaro

For all of the maps manipulated from ArcMap, I imported the ASCII files into IDRISI where they were reclassed into a Boolean image with values of 0s and 1s. This process generalized everything, thereby allowing me perform a distance and fuzzy module in a macro modeler.

Figure 12 - Finished Macro Modeler
Click to Enlarge

With the distance module, the data was displayed in a reference systems unit where I added a fuzzy module to define my boundaries.


Skytrains - I determined that one of the locational requirements of a suitable 24 hour coffee shop was its proximity to skytrain stations, where customers could commute easily to the premise. Being close to a station also amounts to higher foot traffic. Click here to see the final results.

Figure 13 - Defined Boundaries for Skytrains
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Major Roads - Although I wanted to stay close to residential areas, the commercial area should be close to major roads as to provide more visibility by more passing traffic. Click here to see final results

Figure 14 - Defined Boundaries for Major Roads
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Bus Routes - I considered bus routes within 500m of the location as a reasonable walking distance. Anything further away was not suitable. Click to see the final results.

Figure 15 - Defined Boudaries for Bus Routes
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Coffee Shops - Although it was not a definitive factor in my locational decision, I kept in mind the proximity to other coffee shops to find a preferable area. Click here to see final results.

Figure 16 - Defined Boundaries for Cofee Shops
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Institutions - Locating close to a college or institution was not considered as important in comparison to existing local coffee shops or Tim Hortons because I did not base my project solely on school attendance in the area. Although local student do contribute greatly to business, I felt that competition from other coffee or donut shops constituted a greater threat; therefore, in my fuzzy module, I indicated that the location for my new 24 hour coffee shop should be within 3000m or less. Click here to see final results.

Figure 17 - Defined Boundaries for Institutions
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Tim Hortons - Like mentioned earlier, although there are only two Tim Hortons that are open 24 hours in Burnaby, I considered it a major constraint in locating a prime location for a new 24 hour coffee shop. In this case, anywhere 4000m away from a Tim Hortons would be suitable. Click here to see the final results.

Figure 18 - Defined Boundaries for Tim Hortons
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The Weight Linear Combination (WLC) procedure allowed me to to weigh out each one of my factors and constraints differently. Because each one had greater or lesser importance than the other, it was vital for me to give them different weights in order to properly prioritize my locational considerations. .

Figure 19 - WLC

Figure 20 - Module Results
Click to Enlarge
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. F I N A L . R E S U L T S .


Figure 21 - Final Result
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Data Acquisitioin and Manipulation


