. P R O B L E M S .
There were not a lot of major problems during the production of this project. Nontheless, it was not an easy task. Excel - When typing out the name of each feature in excel, the columns would truncate and data would be lost. However, when importing the dbf files into ArcMap, the repeating names would be generalized and several coffee shops that had teh same name with the same name would be combined into one. ArcMap - There weren't any major difficulties encountered when using this program other than coverting each factor and constraint. Although I don't consider this a problem it was still a long process converting all of my files from data points to feature then into raster and finallyinto ASCII before I was able to import and manipulate it in IDRISI. IDRISI - When dealing with the DAs, the output was so minuut that ideal locations would have to be really specific in order to not be significant. Even though data on neighborhoods provided good information for large areas like the GVRD, it was not specific enough for analyzing only the city of Burnaby. Furthermore, even though I was able to weight out between factors and constraints, I was unable to weight out each component individually such as determining which college or university was more important than the other, ie. Simon Fraser University contained more students than all other colleges combined.
Data Acquisition and Manipulation