. M E T H O D O L O G Y .


In order for me to find the most suitable location, I had to identify as many factors and constraints that would define the most optimal area for this type of business. After gathering all my data I determined what types of factors and constraints would be significant in my multi-criteria evaluation (MCE).



- F A C T O R S -



Figure 1 - Factors
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Burnaby Landuse - I considered Burnaby's landuse to be one of the mosts important because the area in which a coffee shop is located makes a big difference. For example, I wanted to be close to commercial zones but at the same time not be solely excluded to anything else. Because most of Burnaby's store hours run from the usual 9-6pm, I wanted to locate somewhere there would be more foot traffic during the late hours of a 24 hour coffee shop. At the same time, I did not want to locate close to a residential area because there would not be enough foot traffic. I decided the best place was to be in a mixed commercial/residential area where it would still be close enough for the local residents to walk to and enough foot traffic from the commercial areas.


Figure 2 - Landuse Map
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Population Density - The busier the area, the better. One of my major factors within the Burnaby landuse map was to look for areas that had a concentration of both commercial zones and residential areas with high-rise apartments. Knowing that there would be a major density in these urban centers, I figured that there would be more foot traffic from the commercial areas, and local visitors from the residents.

Figure 3 - Population Density Map
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Skytrains - The closer to a skytrain station, the more foot traffic there would be. I wanted to locate close to a city center where there would an easy to find landmark or major route. Below is a link of all the skytrain stations located in Burnaby over top a map of the population density map.

Figure 4- Skytrain Stations Map
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Roads - Artery routes was a major factory of my analysis because I wanted to be close to heavily traveled routes creating an equally easy access to both drivers and pedestrians. Furthermore, if it was located in a traffic heavy area, it would be more noticeable to the public.

Figure 5 - Major Roads Map ... Image_1 - Map with Street Names
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Bus Routes - With a mixture of skytrains and major driving routes, bus routes still holds and an important value towards my analysis because it means that there would be more local people around the area that would travel the distance to get to a coffee shop. Although buses do not run 24 hours like a coffee shop, during peak hours, bus stops and their surrounding areas become quite busy during the day.

Figure 6 - Bus Routes Map
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Institusions - Local college and universites was a considerable factor in my analysis because there always students hanging around coffee shops doing homework. Both students and teachers a like enjoy a cup of coffee and a nice and tranquil environment when they are not sitting in a lecture hall. On top of that, with first hand experience being a student, I often do my homework either at school or just somewhere away from home where I concentrate without any distractions.

Figure 7 - Local Colleges and Universities
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- C O N S T R A I N T S -



Figure 8 - Constraints
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Tim Hortons - there weren’t very many 24 hour coffee shops in Burnaby, other than the two Tim Hortons. Although Tim Hortons is not always student-studying-friendly, I took it under consideration because there are still many students who like to study there. The Tim Hortons franchise has built a good reputation for its fresh donuts and round the clock coffee to the late night partiers and insomniacs. Competition from these donut shops are considered quite high because during late hours, there are not very many places to go. I did not want to locate a new coffee shop close to either of them because if someone were to wake up in the middle of the night and want to grab a snack or a cup of coffee, they would probably want to go to the closest one. As a result to locating to other 24 hour shops, a lot of business would therefore be lost. Instead, I decided to use Tim Hortons as a constraint and look in places as far away as possible at the same time being in a desirable place – which will be later emphasized.

Figure 9 - Map of Tim Hortons Locations
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Existing Coffee Shops - When I first started this project, the first thing I thought about was to locate the other coffee shops as a constraint to my new location. However, under further speculation, I found that it would not effect my business as much as it would even if I were to locate it next to one. Nonetheless, I used it as a constraint to narrow down the choices in areas throughout Burnaby.

Figure 10 - Coffee Shops Map
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Data Acquisition and Manipulation

Spatial Analysis


