Student Resources

Student Resources

Here you will find numerous resources you can access as you pursue your studies in French. Our department offers academic resources like our own Language Labs or the Tutorat, and there are general resources at SFU including SFU library services in French, the Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs (OFFA), Career and Volunteer Services, as well as opportunities for Exchanges and Immersion. Don't forget to check out the "Media" tab below where you can access a selection of French newspapers, television and radio! 

Ressources aux étudiants

Vous trouverez ici de nombreuses ressources auxquelles vous pourrez accéder tout au long de vos études en français. Notre département offre des ressources académiques comme nos propres laboratoires de langues ou le Tutorat, et il existe des ressources générales à SFU, notamment les services de bibliothèque de SFU en français, les services de carrière et de bénévolat, ainsi que les possibilités d'échanges et d'immersion. N'oubliez pas de consulter "Media" ci-dessous où vous pouvez accéder à une sélection de journaux, canaux de télévision et de radio en français!

Academic Resources

Placement Test

If you're a new student looking to take French, you may need to take a placement test. To register, or see if you need to take a placement test, please contact our Academic Advisor, Hélène Pouliot, at

Tutorat - Tutoring Centre

The Department of French's Tutorat - Tutoring Centre offers individual help to students with course material and written assignments as well as conversation practice.

Language Labs

The Deparment of French invites our students to come and take advantage of our Language Labs, which offer many resources.

SFU Library

The undergraduate and graduate collections of Simon Fraser University W.A.C. Bennett and Belzberg libraries cover, among others, the following areas of study and research: French Literature, French Canadian Literature, French and Canadian Culture, and History and Cinema. All aspects of general and French Linguistics are well represented.  Moreover, SFU Libraries are well know for their efficient Inter-Library Loan Service, and Aldus Pius Manutius Rare Book Collection.

Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs (OFFA)

Through an offering of innovative programs and courses taught in French and services that meet the needs of the community, at SFU, OFFA is committed to being a leader in the growth and development of post-secondary education in French in British Columbia. OFFA coordinates, promotes and provides support to the development of programs and courses offered in French at Simon Fraser University (SFU). They also organize cultural and scientific activities within the French-speaking community to promote a plural and inclusive Francophonie.

What is Plagiarism?

The Department of French applies the University's policy and procedures governing matters of academic dishonesty in all its courses.

All students are expected to respect the standards laid out in SFU's Code of Academic Honesty, published at the university website:

Evidence of any of the various forms of Academic Dishonesty described in this policy document (section 3.0) will be dealt with accordingly to the specified Procedure and Penalties (section 5.0). Students should therefore read this policy document carefully.

SFU's Office of Academic Integrity has online tutorials to help students better understand plagiarism and its effects:

Career and Volunteer Services

Career and Volunteer Services is a free resource for all SFU students (and recent graduates).  Help is available for students to explore their options and create inspiring and hopeful possibilities, aid them in conducting a strategic work search, create effective work search documents, and develop action plans for productive transitions.

FASS Career Experience offers online resources, workshops, services and supports to all Faculty Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) students. 

What can you do with a degree in French? Find specific informmation for French students on your career possibilities and related professions.  


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