Upcoming Activities

Fall FHS Student I-EDI Learning Circle


Wednesday, Nov 6th
FHS Student Commons - Clamshell

RSVP here


The FHS “Indigenisation and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (I-EDI) Student Learning Circle” is a facilitated learning space where participants collectively learn, reflect, and share knowledge on topics related to I-EDI. The Nov 2024 session's theme will be focused on Decolonization.

We will gather in-person in the FHS Student Commons on November 6, 2024 from 5:30-7PM to discuss and engage with thematic activities, questions, prompts, and reflections, largely guided by the Decolonize First workbook by Ta7talíya Nahanee. Participating in the circle is free and open for any FHS undergraduate or graduate student to join. All levels of knowledge and experience on I-EDI are welcome (we espeiclaly encourage those who are new to I-EDI to come and check it out)!

The Learning Circle will be co-facilitated by FHS undergraduate students Christina Lam and Sarah Raufi.
Please email cla448@sfu.ca if you have questions or want to know more about the Learning Circle before registering.

Registration is required as space is limited! We will be providing free pizza and snacks for registered attendees at the end of the session.

Join us here: fhs-i-edi-student-learning-circle-decolonization-nov-2024.eventbrite.ca

Why participate?

  • Build skills in communication, active listening, reflective thinking, and cultural competency.
  • Connect with other students in shared learning and deeper engagement related to Decolonization.
  • Enjoy free food/snacks!


  1. Welcome

  2. Introductions

  3. Community Agreement

  4. Decolonize First - Exploring Intentions & Lenses (What draws us to engage in this learning space or other actions toward Decolonization? How do we view the world and where do thoses perspectives come from?)

  5. Decolonize First - Infuence & Impact (What are the spaces/places that we influence in our lives? What are the impacts of well-intending actions? How can we help/support good intentions without producing/perpetuating harms?)

  6. Closing reflections, wrap-up, and refreshments