HSCI 324 students, looking to meet with one of the student mentors to discuss your course? Make sure to make use of drop-in tutoring in the FHS Student Commons with a handful of students. 

HSCI 324's student tutors have set times for drop-in tutoring sessions. Rooms locations are shown below, and listed beside each tutors' name.

Access and directions into the student commons can be found here: https://www.sfu.ca/fhs/student-commons/overview/access-code/ 

Click here for the full image.

Note: This schedule reflects when the mentors are on-campus in the FHS Student Commons.

However, if they are unable to attend their scheduled time, an announcement will be made via the Discord channel. Please contact one of the mentors via email if you have any questions. 

Page last updated: February 7th, 2025 - 3:38pm