Amanda Yonkman (left) and Afifa Shahrin (right)

Women's History Month: Conversations with two FHS researchers

March 23, 2021

On March 5th, 2021, two women of the SFU Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) gathered to talk about their experiences in sciences and academia. To celebrate Women’s History Month, we are highlighting the women’s health research of two FHS graduate students: MSc candidate Amanda Yonkman, and PhD candidate Afifa Shahrin.

Find out how these incredible women are working to improve our understanding of systemic and environmental risks to women’s health, both locally and globally.

Amanda Yonkman - MPH Candidate

Amanda Yonkman is a MSc candidate with the SFU Faculty of Health Sciences. Her work centers around the gestational impacts of chemical mixtures on neurodevelopment and health outcomes.

Read the transcript of the video here.

Afifa Shahrin - PhD Candidate

Afifa Shahrin is a PhD candidate with the SFU Faculty of Health Sciences. Her previous academic training is in Public Policy (Master's) and Economics (Undergraduate and Master's). She has been working on global health and development  research for the past ten years. Her  doctoral thesis work centers around access to high quality healthcare for marginalized women in Bangladesh.

Read the transcript of the video here.