By: Kat Perez
Kelly Zheng
Meet Kelly Zheng, a Health Sciences Co-op student working at the Medical Weight Management Clinic as a Student Obesity Medicine Assistant! Zheng is currently working from home due to COVID-19; however, her work term has continued to provide her with a variety of meaningful learning opportunities.
What stands out to Zheng about her Co-op work term? “The amazing team I am working with! They are all such passionate individuals with a common goal in mind and are making a meaningful impact amongst individuals living with obesity,” she exclaims.
Working alongside professionals in your field who can provide you with guidance on your career goals is just one of the many things Zheng loves about Co-op. Moving forward, she now has a deeper understanding of working in healthcare which has only solidified her interest in pursuing a career in the field.
For students interested in starting Co-op, Zheng strongly recommends you integrate it into your SFU experience.
“Definitely do it! Co-op is a great way for you to explore different career paths, especially if you don’t know what you want to do in the future. It is a great opportunity for both professional and personal growth.”