CIHR Grant Recipients
L-R, Top Row: Ruth Lavergne, Lindsay Hedden, Kanna Hayashi, Maya Gislason. Middle Row: Jeff Reading, Lyana Patrick, Nicole Berry, Krista Stelkia. Bottom Row: Travis Salway, Scott Venners, Caislin Firth, Meghan Winters.

CIHR 2021 Grant Award Recipients

May 05, 2021

For CIHR’s Spring 2021 grants, they awarded multiple Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) researchers and faculty. Here is a list of awarded projects, the FHS investigators involved, and what the project entails.

Associate Dean Research Robert Hogg is extremely proud of FHS’ successful teams that received CIHR Project Grant funding from the Fall 2020 competition. “The awarded projects reflect FHS’ unique social justice mission and reflect the extraordinarily diverse breadth of interdisciplinary health research being conducted in FHS, including Indigenous health, health services, mental health and substance use, health cities, and health equity.”

Hogg extends his thanks to Katrina Salvante and Cecilia Kalaw, FHS Grants Facilitators, for their hard work in successfully securing these 6 project grants for the Faculty.

“We feel very lucky to be working with such a talented and dedicated group of researchers – its honestly amazing to contribute to so many important research projects that are trying to improve the health of all Canadians.”