SANTHE fellowship recipients: (right to left), Khumoekae Richard (PI: Ian Tietjen), Gisele Umviligihozo (PI: Mark Brockman), Lorato Maje (PI: Angela Kaida) and Fredrick Omondi (PI: Zabrina Brumme).

FHS graduate students join international network of African scientists pursuing innovative HIV and Tuberculosis research

June 26, 2018

By Fredrick Omondi & Olivia Tsai

Five FHS graduate students, who are citizens of Kenya, Botswana and Rwanda, were recently admitted as research fellows into the Sub-Saharan African Network for TB/HIV Research Excellence (SANTHE) consortium. The fellowship recipients are Khumoekae Richard (PI: Ian Tietjen), Gisele Umviligihozo (PI: Mark Brockman), Lorato Maje (PI: Angela Kaida), Fredrick Omondi (PI: Zabrina Brumme) and Grace Mwashigadi (MPH programme).

SANTHE connects students with a multinational network that empowers African scientists conducting innovative research on HIV and TB while also providing the opportunity to access a multitude of competitive resources.

For example, SANTHE fellows can apply for up to US $20,000 for their thesis projects, up US $50,000 for collaborative grants, and US $100,000 to aid their transition from junior researchers into principal investigators.

As a SANTHE international partner site, Simon Fraser University's Faculty of Health Sciences is proud of its role in the global fight against HIV through both basic and translational research. Ongoing HIV research in FHS range from the basic sciences (e.g. studying the immunovirology of HIV including the characterization of new anti-retroviral compounds from natural sources) to the social sciences (e.g. research in women's reproductive health). Trainee membership in SANTHE will aid in continual efforts in meaningful research, publication and international collaboration.

Grace Mwashigadi (MPH programme)