- About
- People
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Research
- Current Projects
- Engineering Geology & Geotechnics - Dr. S. Sepulveda
- Hydrogeology - Dr. D. Allen
- Sedimentology - Dr. S. Dashtgard
- Ore Deposits - Dr .D. Marshall
- Glaciology - Dr. G. Flowers
- Coastal Hazards - Dr. J. Pilarczyk
- Volcanology - Dr. G. Williams-Jones
- Natural Hazards
- Tectonics - Dr .D. Gibson
- Quaternary Geology - Dr. B. Ward
- Research Opportunities
- Research Groups
- Facilities & Resources
- Current Projects
- News & Events
- Engagement
- Support EASC
Facilities & Resources

Modern laboratory and field-related facilities are an integral part of earth science teaching and research. The Department of Earth Sciences is well equipped, with a variety of these facilities, including:
Information Facilities
- SFU Library
- Geoscience Computing Laboratory
Faculty of Science Facilities
- Electronics shop
- Glass blowing shop
- Machine shop
- Science Stores
Analytical facilities
- Microscope and SEM facilities
- Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research
- Fluid Inclusion Heating/Freezing Stage
- 3x portable UV spectrometers for aerosol & gas monitoring
Hydrogeology Facilities
- Pump testing equipment (2 Grundfos pumps, Honda generator)
- Water level equipment (submersible pressure transducers & dataloggers; Solinst water level tapes)
- Chemical sampling equipment (Multi-parameter sonde with datalogger; sampling equipment; field test kits)
Geophysical Facilities
- pulseEKKO Ground Penetrating Radar
("Internal" and "External" rental conditions)
- EM-31-MK2 Ground Conductivity meter
- GSM-19W Magnetometers
- LaCoste & Romberg spring gravity meters
- Geometrics 24 Channel SmartSeis exploration seismograph
Geochemical Facilities
- Vaisala GM70 CO2 sensor
- MultiGAS system (H2O,CO2,SO2,CO,H2S)
- FLYSPEC UV spectrometer (SO2)
General Use Facilities
- Graduate Project Laboratory
- 6x vehicles (1- 24 passenger bus, 4- 4WD trucks, 1 ATV)
Sample Preparation Facilities
- Rock Crushing and Prep
- Mineral separation & picking
- Mineral Extraction from Thin & Thick Sections
- Soil preparation
Modelling Facilities
- Geotechnical modelling
- Hydrogeology modelling
- Seismology modelling
Geodetic Facilities
- 2 System 530 Leica dual-frequency differential GPS receivers
- 2 Promark 3 single-frequency differential GPS receivers
- Optech ILRIS-3D Laser Ranging and Imaging System
- Riegl 4000 Laser Ranging and Imaging System
- 3x Impulse & Laser rangefinders
- Pentax AL 240/270 AutoLevel & TS3 Tripod
- Survey level w/ stadia rod/tripod & Hultafors Rod
Geotechnical Facilities
- Point load tester
- Slake Durability apparatus
- Cone pentration device
- 2x Liquid limit devices
- Schmidt hammer & calibration block
- 4x Torvanes
- 4x Pocket Penetrometers