EASC Graduate Student Caucus - "CONG"

The CONG is the Department of Earth Science's caucus of the Graduate Student Society (GSS) at SFU. The CONG holds monthly meetings to update our grad students about university and department business, and plan fun events within our department. 

CONG events include daily coffee and snacks for graduate students, ski trips, and other social events where students can unwind and get to know other students in the department. CONG meetings and events are currently all online due to COVID-19 restrictions, but the group remains active in trying to promote a fun and inclusive environment for grad students. 

Please join social-easc@sfu.ca to stay informed about social activities and coffee-easc@sfu.ca to get updates for coffee time. To subscribe, go to Maillist SFU. Select 'Search for maillists' and then search for coffee-easc and social-easc and subscribe.

All meetings and events are coordinated by the CONG executive team:

President Anthony Giang agiang@sfu.ca
Treasurer Heather Clarke hcc21@sfu.ca
Secretary Tim Hill tha111@sfu.ca
Grad Rep Adam Mitton amitton@sfu.ca
GSS Rep Tim Hill tha111@sfu.ca
GSS Alternate Rep Vacant
TSSU rep Jonas Eschenfelder jae5@sfu.ca
TSSU Alternate Rep Vacant  
Research Day Coordinator Chloe Monty cma192@sfu.ca
Research Day Coordinator Andreas Peffeköver apa191@sfu.ca
Social Committee Dia Martinez Gracey diam@sfu.ca
Social Committee Catalina Pino-Rivas cap28@sfu.ca