Policy Options Overview

This page references GP 47 on SFU’s policy website and the following 3 resources:

Thank you for visiting the Bullying & Harassment Hub for a consultation.

At SFU, all members of the university community have a right to be treated with respect and dignity

If you have experienced or witnessed bullying or harassment that meets the definition, scope, and jurisdiction of SFU’s GP 47 Policy, you may have the option of pursuing either an Anonymous Allegation or a GP 47 Report

Download a PDF of this webpage here

Post Consult Summary

Next Steps

After consulting with the Anti-Bullying specialist, if a complainant is interested in pursuing further action, they have two options available to them. They can submit an Anonymous Allegation or named GP 47 Report to the Responsible Office. The Responsible Office is determined by the status of the Respondent, or the person named in the complaint to have engaged in the alleged bullying or harassment.

If you wish to pursue either of these options, please submit a confidential inquiry webform. Refer to the above figure for an overview of processes for both Anonymous Allegations and Named Reports. The information from the webform submission should include a summary of facts related to your experience and the impact of the alleged bullying & harassment.

It is worthwhile for any complainant to review the Bullying and Harassment Hub’s policies to know how the submitted information will be utilized

Please note, the information submitted in the confidential inquiry webform goes directly to the Anti-Bullying specialist and is not shared with anyone else. It is a secure way to disclose your experience in writing, and you will have an opportunity to approve a GP 47 Report or Anonymous Allegation before it is shared with the Responsible Office.

A report under GP 47 (section 2.6 of GP 47 Appendix A)

  • When the Responsible Office receives a GP 47 Report, they proceed as identified in the GP 47 Bullying & Harassment Policy Procedures to resolve the incident.
  • For individuals that meet the policy definition of “Member of the SFU University Community”, there is no timeline in which your eligibility to engage with GP 47 policy options expires, though as per Section 6.3, we encourage members of the university community to report incidents of bullying or harassment as soon as possible.
  • You will have the opportunity to edit the final draft of the Report before it is submitted. You must provide written approval either through email or in person signature before the Anti-Bullying Specialist submits it to the Responsible Office
  • As per GP 47 Policy, one individual cannot submit a complaint on behalf of a group of individuals who wish to engage with the policy as complainants
If the Respondent is a… 

The Responsible Office is…

A student

Office of Student Rights, Reports, and Responsibilities

A staff member

Labour Relations

A faculty member

Faculty Relations

Another member of the University Community

Office of the General Counsel


All members of the University Community, especially employees, have the option to consult with their constituency organization representative – or employee group representative, in addition to consult with the Anti-Bullying Specialist. If you want to have your representative participate in your consults with the Anti-Bullying Specialist, we are happy to accommodate your request.

The University’s Response to a Report about an Employee (Section 14.0 – Section 20.5 of GP 47 Procedures)

  • The Responsible Office will conduct a consultation with you, the complainant, in a timely manner and in compliance with University Policies (Section 14.2.5 of GP 47)
  • After receiving the GP 47 Report, the Responsible Office will proceed with one of the following
  • An informal resolution (outlined in Section 15.0 of GP 47)
  • A formal investigation (outlined in Section 16.0 of GP 47
  • Christeen Livingstone, the Conflict Resolution & Investigation Specialist (CRIS), is available as a support to the Responsible Offices when facilitating resolution or investigation of GP 47 Reports.

University’s Response to a Report about a Student (Section 12.0 of GP 47 Procedures)