
Supervisor Resources

The Bullying and Harassment Central Hub is here to support supervisors minimize risk prevent reoccurrences of circumstances that may present a risk of bullying or harassment to their community, well as educating SFU employees on anti-bullying policies

Responding To Disclosures

As a supervisor, it is often part of your role to ensure that those under your jurisdiction feel safe and respected in the workplace. Linked below are resources available to support you if an employee comes to you and discloses being impacted by bullying or harassment

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Manager Consults

The Anti-Bullying Specialist can provide confidental information and guidance on how to best facilitate mandatory training on the GP 47 Policy and respectful workplace and learning environments. The Anti-Bullying Specialist can additionally help verify that employees have completed the training modules as needed. 

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Respectful Learning and Workplace Environments 

The page below outlines the best ways to foster and support a learning and workplace environment that encourages respect, dignity, and safety for all members of the community. 

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Request a Workshop

For further educational opportunities and the chance to ask the Anti-Bullying Specialist more in depth questions, see the below link to book a workshop for your team. 

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Additional Resources 

Further training and education are available through the Supervisor's Toolkit. 

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