BH Webform

To make a report, please connect with the Anti-Bullying Specialist.

The webform below will help you provide the details of your confidential inquiry directly to the Bullying & Harassment Central Hub.

Once your webform is submitted, Anti-Bullying Specialist will determine if your experience meets the scope and jurisdiction for action under GP 47, explore support options with you, and confirm next steps, which could include submitting a report under GP 47 or submitting an anonymous allegation to the University.

For more information, please visit "What happens after I submit?"

If you are a unionized employee or connected to an employee association, you are encouraged to contact your representative before submitting a report.  

Not an employee? Please type n/a or not applicable
Are you sharing an experience about bullying & harassment that happened to you or that you witnessed happen to another person?
Are you filing a complaint about more than one person?
Please indicate whether you want to submit this webform anonymously

Information on Anonymous Allegations

Please note that when filing an anonymous allegation, you will need to provide your contact information in order to inform you of the Responsible Office’s decision with respect to scope and jurisdiction and in case additional details are needed for that decision. Otherwise, SFU may be unable to proceed with an investigation based on an anonymous allegation due to lack of evidence.

Who is this webform about?

Is the bullying or harassment based on
Where did the bullying and harassment take place?
Select all that apply.

Consent & Privacy Policies

Consent to Use & Disclosure

By checking this box, I agree and understand that:

  1. I’m submitting a Bullying & Harassment Webform to SFU's Anti-Bullying Specialist under the Bullying & Harassment Policy;
  2. This webform submission will be used to determine whether SFU has the jurisdiction to investigation under the Bullying & Harassment Policy;
  3. This webform submission and the information disclosed therein will be kept in the strictest confidence and may be disclosed as necessary for purposes outlined in the Bullying & Harassment Policy or as detailed in FIPPA   
  4. If a report is accepted and sent to the Responsible Office for action, then a copy of this webform may be provided to the respondent(s) (the person or people you are reporting); and
  5. Failure to give my authorization to SFU will prevent the university from taking follow-up steps in response to my webform, including initiating an investigation.
Content to Use & Disclosure Agreement:

Privacy notification

By checking this box, I agree and understand that:

The information I provide to Simon Fraser University (“SFU”) on the Bullying and Harassment Webform is collected under the authority of the University Act  (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 468), the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act  (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 165) (“FIPPA”), the Workers Compensation Act  (R.S. 2019, c. 492), the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (B.C. Reg. 296/97), SFU’s Bullying and Harassment Policy and its Health and Safety Policy (GP-17).

If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, please contact Rana Hakami, Anti-Bullying Specialist (Office: 778-782-7166 or

Privacy Notification Consent Agreement: