
As alumni of our School of Communication, School for the Contemporary Arts, School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Publishing Program, or Master of Digital Media, you are part of a community of creative thinkers who have taken the knowledge they gained at SFU to develop thriving careers and creative practices. 

Keep in touch

  • Follow FCAT on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, X, and Threads to stay up to date on the latest news (and tag us if you have news to share!)
  • Keep an eye on the SFU events calendar to find out about all the exciting happenings across the university
  • Update your contact information with the SFU Alumni office
  • Tell us what you’re up to using the form below

Get involved

If you’re interested in getting involved with FCAT as an alumni mentor, working with our students, or partnering with us in another way, please email Kim Hockey at

Share your news and accomplishments with us!

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