Technology & Society

The evolution of technology and way that it interacts with and shapes our society is a core part of all programs in our faculty. Our School of Communication’s Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology (CPROST) is at the forefront of technology policies, while degree programs in the school equip students with the critical thinking to evaluate the way that communication technologies shape our lives. Students in our School for the Contemporary Arts and School of Interactive Arts and Technology also engage deeply with these topics, while courses in the Publishing Minor program examine the way technology is changing books and periodicals. 

promo shots of the jack uppal study room in the faculty of health sciences

School of Communication

Bachelor of Arts — Communication Major

A major in communication provides students with a foundation in critical thinking, reading, analysis and production in the field of communication that allows them to study the cultures, histories, technologies, and ideologies of the media and communication infrastructures in our society to inform and shape how we experience technology and how we interact as a society.

Master of Digital Media 

Master of Digital Media

Located at the Centre for Digital Media in Vancouver, this program is at the intersection of art, design, business and engineering. Students gain skills in user experience design, software development, project management, and interactive storytelling that applies to any industry where digital content is used. 

School of Interactive Arts & Technology

Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts — Interactive Arts and Technology Major

Both the BA and BSc programs of SIAT offer an opportunity to work with technology and learn how it impacts and shapes our society. While learning media and digital arts, user experience theory, and design, students build a portfolio of their work through collaborating with their peers and instructors. 

Technology & Society Stories