Evaluating the Design, Delivery, and Impact of the Global Health Experiential Learning Course

Grant program: Teaching and Learning Development Grant (TLDG)

Grant recipientAngela Kaida, Faculty of Health Sciences

Project teamMalcolm Steinberg, Faculty of Health Sciences, Mark Brockman, Faculty of Health Sciences, Denis Chopera, sub-Saharan African Network for TB and HIV research Excellence (SANTHE), Africa Health Research Institute, Victoria Kasprowicz, SANTHE

Timeframe: May 2020 to April 2021

Funding: $5,000

Courses addressed:

  • HSCI 891 – Special Topics in Experiential Global Health Learning/HSCI 488-3 –Directed Studies
  • HSCI 885/HSCI 496 – Special Topics in Experiential Global Health Learning

Description: The overall aim of our project is to evaluate the design, delivery, and impact of this global health experiential course. We plan to conduct a literature review to identify best-practice principles/approaches to design and deliver global health experiential learning at the graduate level – focusing on principles of collaboration and reciprocity in learning. We also plan to systematically document how Faculty of Health Sciences’ first course on global health experiential learning was collaboratively designed and delivered. We will evaluate whether, and to what degree, the course design and delivery met the key course objectives from the perspective of SFU and SANTHE trainees who participated in the course between 2016-2020.

Questions addressed:

  • What are best practice principles/approaches to design and deliver global health experiential learning course at the graduate level – focusing on principles of collaboration and reciprocity in learning?
  • How was Faculty of Health Sciences’ (FHS) first course on global health experiential learning collaboratively designed and delivered?
  • To what degree did the course design and delivery meet the key course objectives as outlined above from the perspective of SFU and SANTHE trainees who participated in the course between 2016-2020?
  • What recommendations can we offer based on this evaluation to inform the design and delivery of future global health experiential learning courses in FHS and beyond?

Knowledge sharing: We will present the findings at the FHS Rounds, during a week dedicated to teaching & learning. We plan to present preliminary findings at the 2020 SANTHE AGM, as well as submit an abstract to a global health conference to present the process, findings and recommendations. We will pursue a peer-reviewed publication in a global health learning journal.