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- SoTL 101: Introduction to SoTL and Teaching + Learning Inquiry
- SoTL 102: Formulating an Inquiry Project
- Tools for Inquiry: Conducting Inquiry Using CES
- Amundsen Fellowship Program
- Decolonial Teaching + Learning Seminar Series
- Decolonizing and Indigenizing Curricula
- Disrupting Colonialism through Teaching Program
- Exploring Well-being in Learning Environments: An Integrated Seminar Series + Grants Program
- Inquiring into Your Multilingual Classroom: An Integrated Seminar Series + Grants Program
- New Ways of Teaching, New Ways of Learning: Supporting Learning in Online Environments
- Open Education Grant Pilot Program
- Teaching and Learning Development Grant Program
- Project Final Report Archive
- Amundsen Fellowship Program
- Dewey Fellowship Project: Sarah Johnson
- Dewey Fellowship Project: Robert Krider
- Dewey Fellowship Project: Jamie Mulholland
- Dewey Fellowship Project: Michael Filimowicz
- Dewey Fellowship Project: Kathleen Fitzpatrick
- Dewey Fellowship Project: Lisa Papania
- Dewey Fellowship Project: Juan Pablo Alperin
- Dewey Fellowship Project: Marek Hatala
- Dewey Fellowship Project: Chantal Gibson
- Amundsen Fellowship Project: Leith Davis
- Amundsen Fellowship Project: Tara Holland
- Amundsen Fellowship Project: Dara Culhane
- Disrupting Colonialism through Teaching Program
- Exploring Well-being in Learning Environments Program
- Inquiring into Your Multilingual Classroom Projects
- New Ways of Teaching, New Ways of Learning
- Teaching and Learning Development Grant Program
- Beedie
- Beedie School of Business: Anne Macdonald
- Beedie School of Business: Robert Krider
- Beedie School of Business: Lisa Papania
- Beedie School of Business: Leyland Pitt
- Beedie School of Business: Lisa Papania
- Beedie School of Business: Daniela Blettner
- Beedie School of Business: Jan Kietzmann
- Beedie School of Business: Lisa Papania
- Beedie School of Business: Kamal Masri
- Beedie School of Business: Leyland Pitt
- Beedie School of Business: David Hannah
- Beedie School of Business: Robert Krider
- Beedie School of Business: Kamal Masri
- Beedie School of Business: Jan Kietzmann
- Beedie School of Business: Leyland Pitt
- Beedie School of Business: Shauna Jones
- Beedie School of Business: Hwee Cheng Tan
- Beedie School of Business: Leyland Pitt
- Beedie School of Business: Christina Atanasova
- Beedie School of Business: JM Goh
- Beedie School of Business: Jason Ho
- Beedie School of Business: Shauna Jones
- Beedie School of Business: Leyland Pitt
- Beedie School of Business: Andrew Flostrand
- Beedie School of Business: Lisa Papania
- Beedie School of Business: Jan Kietzmann
- Beedie School of Business: Leyland Pitt
- Beedie School of Business: Andrew Flostrand
- Beedie School of Business: Kathleen Burke
- Beedie School of Business: Aishwarya Shukla
- Beedie School of Business: Nilesh Saraf
- Beedie School of Business: Lieke ten Brummelhuis
- Beedie School of Business: Anthony Chan
- Beedie School of Business: Tara Immell
- Beedie School of Business: Connie Liu
- Education: Charles Bingham
- Education: Lynn Fels
- Education: David Kaufman
- Education: Patrice Keats
- Education: Carolyn Mamchur
- Education: Margaret MacDonald
- Education: John Nesbit
- Education: Sepideh Fotovatian
- Education: Susan Barber
- Education: Michèle Schmidt
- Education: Natalia Gajdamaschko
- Education: Carolyn Mamchur
- Education: Kieran Egan
- Education: Susan Barber
- Education: David Zandvliet
- Education: Lannie Kanevsky
- Education: Paula Howarth
- Education: Heesoon Bai
- Education: Dolores van der Wey
- Education: Joel Heng Hartse
- Education: Carolyn Mamchur
- Education: Dolores van der Wey
- Education: Charles Bingham
- Education: Sean Chorney
- Education: Elizabeth Marshall
- Education: Pooja Dharamshi
- Education: Susan Barber
- Education: David Zandvliet
- Education: Heesoon Bai
- Education: Stephen Smith
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- Education: Roumi Ilieva
- Education: Gillian Judson
- Education: Angel Lin
- Engineering Science: Glenn Chapman
- Engineering Science: Atousa Hajshirmohammadi
- Computing Science: Ted Kirkpatrick
- Engineering Science: Carolyn Sparrey
- Computing Science: Diana Cukierman
- Engineering Science: Carolyn Sparrey
- Engineering Science: Ivan Bajić
- Engineering Science: Michael Sjoerdsma
- Engineering Science: Fabio Campi
- Engineering Science: Atousa Hajshirmohammadi
- Mechatronic Systems Engineering: Krishna Vijayaraghavan
- Computing Science: Cynthia Xie
- Computing Science: Cynthia Xie
- Engineering Science: Krishna Vijayaraghavan
- Engineering Science: Maureen Hindy
- Computing Science: Angela Lim
- Engineering Science: Atousa Hajshirmohammadi
- Mechatronic Systems Engineering: Carolyn Sparrey
- Sustainable Energy Engineering: Taco Niet
- Computing Science: Ouldooz Baghban Karimi
- Sustainable Energy Engineering: Taco Niet
- Sustainable Energy Engineering: Vivian Neal
- Computing Science: Janice Regan
- Computing Science: Diana Cukierman
- Health Sciences: Mark Lechner
- Health Sciences: Laurie Goldsmith
- Health Sciences: Tim Takaro
- Health Sciences: Tim Takaro
- Health Sciences: Maya Gislason
- Health Sciences: Nienke van Houten
- Health Sciences: Denise Zabkiewicz
- Health Sciences: Mark Lechner
- Health Sciences: Maya Gislason
- Health Sciences: Tun Myint
- Health Sciences: Paola Ardiles
- Health Sciences: Diego Silva
- Health Sciences: Ruth Lavergne
- Health Sciences: Tun Myint
- Health Sciences: Nienke van Houten
- Health Sciences: Shira Goldenberg
- Health Sciences: Susan Erikson
- Health Sciences: Paola Ardiles
- Health Sciences: Angela Kaida
- Library
- Beedie
- Amundsen Fellowship Program
- Conferences, Calls for Papers + Proposals
- EDUCAUSE: Teaching with AI [April 7 - 18, 2025]
- CfP: Waterlook Digital Pedagogy Institute [Deadline: April 25, 2025]
- 2025 Scholarly Writing Retreat Conference [Deadline: May 1, 2025]
- Students As Partners Roundtable [Save the Date: June 25-27, 2025]
- Digital Pedagogy Conference [Save the date: August 12-14, 2025]
- 2025 Banff Symposium for SoTL [Save the date: Oct 14-16, 2025]
- For Research Personnel
Post-Secondary Instructor’s Teaching Efficiency
Grant program: Teaching and Learning Development Grant (TLDG)
Grant recipient: Robert Krider, Beedie School of Business
Project team: Lee Gilad, research assistant
Timeframe: May 2016 to August 2017
Funding: $5,000
Final report: View Robert Krider's final report (PDF)
Description: The Beedie School of Business and SFU provide resources and initiatives designed to improve the effectiveness and quality of teaching. Within the Business School, there is a perception that the participation of tenure-track faculty (TTF) in teaching initiatives and events is very low, and certainly much lower than the participation of non-tenure-track faculty. The obvious hypothesis explaining this difference is that TTFs are attempting to allocate a fixed time budget over many activities to maximize some perceived measure of return. Since TTFs have lower teaching loads and greater research demands than non-TTFs, their optimal time allocation will be quite different from non-TTFs; specifically, they will invest less in offered activities that are positioned as methods that only improve student learning, with no consideration of the time investment required.
A consequent hypothesis is that offering activities that promise to improve teaching efficiency—that is, lowering the ratio of time input to teaching output metrics—would be valued more than activities that only promise to improve learning outcomes. Furthermore, activities valued by reward-maximizing faculty should also be valued by a university that has multiple objectives, including good teaching and good research, and has well-designed reward mechanisms targeting those objectives.
I wish to establish the parameters of faculty members’ resource allocation problem, as well as collect and catalogue techniques that improve teaching efficiency. If a collection of feasible and useful techniques is identified, cooperative faculty recruited, and time permits, I will try out some of the techniques and assess the impacts on faculty and students.
Questions addressed:
- Do TTFs have less interest than non-TTFs in investing time in workshops and other teaching related initiatives?
- What do faculty currently do to improve efficiency?
- How will faculty interest in the techniques vary by TTF / non-TTF
Knowledge sharing: Participating faculty will receive a copy of the report, and encouraged to share it. The report will be posted on the Beedie teaching and learning website and the results may be presented at the annual Beedie teaching and learning luncheon.
Keywords: teaching efficiency; instructor surveys; instructor efficiency catalogue, Instructor motivations, efficient teaching, tradeoff analysis, conjoint analysis, professional development design