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- Decolonial Teaching + Learning Seminar Series
- Decolonizing and Indigenizing Curricula
- Disrupting Colonialism through Teaching Program
- Exploring Well-being in Learning Environments: An Integrated Seminar Series + Grants Program
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- Dewey Fellowship Project: Lisa Papania
- Dewey Fellowship Project: Juan Pablo Alperin
- Dewey Fellowship Project: Marek Hatala
- Dewey Fellowship Project: Chantal Gibson
- Amundsen Fellowship Project: Leith Davis
- Amundsen Fellowship Project: Tara Holland
- Amundsen Fellowship Project: Dara Culhane
- Disrupting Colonialism through Teaching Program
- Exploring Well-being in Learning Environments Program
- Inquiring into Your Multilingual Classroom Projects
- New Ways of Teaching, New Ways of Learning
- Teaching and Learning Development Grant Program
- Beedie
- Beedie School of Business: Anne Macdonald
- Beedie School of Business: Robert Krider
- Beedie School of Business: Lisa Papania
- Beedie School of Business: Leyland Pitt
- Beedie School of Business: Lisa Papania
- Beedie School of Business: Daniela Blettner
- Beedie School of Business: Jan Kietzmann
- Beedie School of Business: Lisa Papania
- Beedie School of Business: Kamal Masri
- Beedie School of Business: Leyland Pitt
- Beedie School of Business: David Hannah
- Beedie School of Business: Robert Krider
- Beedie School of Business: Kamal Masri
- Beedie School of Business: Jan Kietzmann
- Beedie School of Business: Leyland Pitt
- Beedie School of Business: Shauna Jones
- Beedie School of Business: Hwee Cheng Tan
- Beedie School of Business: Leyland Pitt
- Beedie School of Business: Christina Atanasova
- Beedie School of Business: JM Goh
- Beedie School of Business: Jason Ho
- Beedie School of Business: Shauna Jones
- Beedie School of Business: Leyland Pitt
- Beedie School of Business: Andrew Flostrand
- Beedie School of Business: Lisa Papania
- Beedie School of Business: Jan Kietzmann
- Beedie School of Business: Leyland Pitt
- Beedie School of Business: Andrew Flostrand
- Beedie School of Business: Kathleen Burke
- Beedie School of Business: Aishwarya Shukla
- Beedie School of Business: Nilesh Saraf
- Beedie School of Business: Lieke ten Brummelhuis
- Beedie School of Business: Anthony Chan
- Beedie School of Business: Tara Immell
- Beedie School of Business: Connie Liu
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- Education: Carolyn Mamchur
- Education: Dolores van der Wey
- Education: Charles Bingham
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- Education: Susan Barber
- Education: David Zandvliet
- Education: Heesoon Bai
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- Engineering Science: Carolyn Sparrey
- Engineering Science: Ivan Bajić
- Engineering Science: Michael Sjoerdsma
- Engineering Science: Fabio Campi
- Engineering Science: Atousa Hajshirmohammadi
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- Computing Science: Cynthia Xie
- Computing Science: Cynthia Xie
- Engineering Science: Krishna Vijayaraghavan
- Engineering Science: Maureen Hindy
- Computing Science: Angela Lim
- Engineering Science: Atousa Hajshirmohammadi
- Mechatronic Systems Engineering: Carolyn Sparrey
- Sustainable Energy Engineering: Taco Niet
- Computing Science: Ouldooz Baghban Karimi
- Sustainable Energy Engineering: Taco Niet
- Sustainable Energy Engineering: Vivian Neal
- Computing Science: Janice Regan
- Computing Science: Diana Cukierman
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- Health Sciences: Tim Takaro
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- Health Sciences: Mark Lechner
- Health Sciences: Maya Gislason
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- Health Sciences: Paola Ardiles
- Health Sciences: Diego Silva
- Health Sciences: Ruth Lavergne
- Health Sciences: Tun Myint
- Health Sciences: Nienke van Houten
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- EDUCAUSE: Teaching with AI [April 7 - 18, 2025]
- CfP: Waterlook Digital Pedagogy Institute [Deadline: April 25, 2025]
- 2025 Scholarly Writing Retreat Conference [Deadline: May 1, 2025]
- Students As Partners Roundtable [Save the Date: June 25-27, 2025]
- Digital Pedagogy Conference [Save the date: August 12-14, 2025]
- 2025 Banff Symposium for SoTL [Save the date: Oct 14-16, 2025]
- For Research Personnel
Transitioning to Outcome Based Education: Optimizing the Mapping of Graduate Attribute Indicators to the Curriculum of the School of Engineering Science
Grant program: Teaching and Learning Development Grant (TLDG)
Grant recipient: Michael Sjoerdsma, School of Engineering Science
Project team: Charlie Yan, research assistant
Timeframe: January to December 2013
Funding: $10,000
Course addressed: The courses required for the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science in the School of Engineering Science
Final report: View Michael Sjoerdsma’s final report (PDF)
From the final report: “At the time this database was being created, the SFU version of Canvas did not easily support learning outcomes at the program level. Moreover, not all instructors use Canvas, so we can’t rely entirely on this LMS. However, I would still like to investigate how we can integrate Canvas into our data collection procedure for those instructors who use it already.” Read more >>
Interim report: View Michael Sjoerdsma’s interim report (PDF), which discusses the work completed through August 2013.
From the interim report: “I presented to faculty the shortcomings of our current mapping, and why we needed to standardize course offerings with respect to indictors. Instead of having faculty members fill out forms online, I felt that having the instructors for each course come together in person would foster more discussion.” Read more >>
Description: As mandated by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB), the School of Engineering Science (ENSC) is transitioning to an Outcome Based Education (OBE) method for assessing our program. This new procedure must be in place for 2014, and we have just completed our first iteration of this process, which now must be refined.
Under this new system, each engineering school in Canada must demonstrate that students possess twelve attributes upon graduation (knowledge base for engineering; problem analysis; investigation; design; use of engineering tools; individual and team work; communication skills; professionalism; impact of engineering on society and the environment; ethics and equity; economics and project management; life-long learning). The twelve attributes include a subset of indicators (e.g. the investigation attribute has indicators, which include idea generation, investigation design, data collection, data analysis and integration, and evaluation).
The main purpose of this project is to design and implement a computer program that can determine optimal solutions for our indicator mappings in the curriculum. The output of the program will be graphs and tables showing where in our curriculum each indicator should be covered. The program will also archive where in our program indicators are being assessed. It will also serve as a survey tool where faculty can input the indicators that they are covering.
Having a method for refining and optimizing our mapping of indicators to courses is essential for meeting the 2014 deadline imposed by CEAB. The only way to meet this goal is to have custom software designed that can generate several solutions to this mapping program. Such software will allow us to ensure that the indicators are being mapped to the most appropriate courses, helping to keep faculty members’ workloads at a manageable level, ensuring that students are being assessed in the correct courses, and allowing us to revise our curriculum in the most efficient manner possible. This software will be of benefit to all courses and faculty members in the School of Engineering Science.
Questions addressed:
- What is the optimal mapping of indicators based on various parameters while ensuring an equitable workload amongst faculty members?
- How can we incorporate our mandatory co-op program into our mapping?
- How can we ensure that each of our engineering options is in compliance with all twelve attributes and their associated indicators?
- How can we incorporate other methods of assessment, such as student surveys, alumni surveys, and faculty surveys?
- How can we refine our curriculum and pedagogical practices at the program and course levels?
- How can we standardize course offerings between different instructors of the same course?
Knowledge sharing: The outcome of this project will be disseminated in faculty meetings, to the undergraduate curriculum committee, and the director of MSE. The results may be shared with the Engineering Graduate Attribute Development (EGAD) project that are providing resources to engineering schools across Canada.