Interactive, Engaged Discussion in History

Grant program: Teaching and Learning Development Grant (TLDG)

Grant recipientMary-Ellen Kelm, Department of History

Project team: Sheryl Guloy and Josh Regnier, research assistants

Timeframe: July 2011 to December 2011

Funding: $2960

Description: In spring 2011, a series of focus groups conducted by Josh Regnier, an undergraduate student in history, found that although undergraduate history students like the tutorial system at SFU, they often report less-than-satisfactory experiences with TA-led tutorials. For their part, teaching assistants report frustration with students’ apparent lack of engagement, preparedness, and willingness to participate in tutorial discussions.

This project proposes a three-part workshop series to help history TAs improve their skills in facilitating engaged discussion. The target of this intervention will be HIST 101: Canada to Confederation, a course that typically attracts 250–300 students.