Lead is present throughout SFU in two common forms: lead materials (e.g. x-ray shielding aprons or lead-acid batteries) and lead-based paints & coatings. These materials do not pose a health hazard unless they are disturbed. For general inquiries about hazardous building materials, please contact hazmat_work@sfu.ca.
Training & orientation
Lead training and orientation is necessary for workers who work around Lead-based paints, coatings and materials, but the level of training varies by the type of activities performed.
New and young worker orientation
Information on Lead based materials is a part of the New and Young Worker Orientation training. This training is for all faculty and staff.
Lead awareness
Lead awareness training is provided is for staff who are required to work or direct work involving Lead-based paints, coatings and materials e.g. Facilities Services staff. (Contact your supervisor…)