A Photoshoot for Self-Description

By: Simaier Wang
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design

Project description: In this project, I choose the self from my self-perception and from the eyes of my relatives as my topic. I tried to convey my own understanding of myself to the audience in the form of biographical film poster imitations to show what it would be like if there is a movie about me. I wanted to express my anxiety about current pressures through photos and enhance the sense of drama in these two diptychs by comparing myself to others' perception.

Final Diptych:


Technical Process:

I first used Photoshop to saturate the photos and used the analogous colour scheme as my colour tone technique.
After I used Photoshop to create the movie-liked colours. I also opened Procreate to create text layer to makes them more like film posters.

Inspirational images:

Photo by GUOKE from TikTok. This inspired me the idea of using the plastic bag as an element in self-perception photo.
Stillshot from Wong Kar-wai's film ‘Chungking Express.’ This photo inspired me to use vintage and cinematic feel in my photos by applying similarly high levels of saturation.